economic challenges

We Are Zoomers and We Want the PRO Act

Gen Z and Millennials are facing a bleak economic future. The answer is to massively expand union membership and democratize workplaces. Like so many other recent college graduates of Gen Z who are trying to enter the workforce, become financially independent and grow our families, we’re seeing the promised ?“American dream” drift further and further out of reach.  …

We Are Zoomers and We Want the PRO Act Read More »

Businesses brace for mandatory workplace safety rules under Biden

President-elect Joe Biden has vowed to issue mandatory workplace safety rules that employers must follow to protect workers from coronavirus exposure. It’s likely to be one of his first big fights with American business and a test of how far he can go to create a national strategy to slow a pandemic that is still …

Businesses brace for mandatory workplace safety rules under Biden Read More »

Stephanie Land’s ‘Maid’ shows the limits of hard work in struggle to survive the U.S. economy

How could Stephanie Land’s book Maid not make a splash, with the opening sentence, “My daughter learned to walk in a homeless shelter,” and a follow-through that lives up to the impact of that sentence? A splash it has made, debuting at number three on The New York Times bestseller list over the winter, and now being turned into a TV show and …

Stephanie Land’s ‘Maid’ shows the limits of hard work in struggle to survive the U.S. economy Read More »

I Get America, It’s Americans That Confuse Me

I understand the home-of-the-free-and-land-of-the-brave. I get bring-me-your-tired-huddled-masses-yearning-to-breathe-free. I can even relate to hot dogs-apple pie-and-baseball. What I don’t understand is how passive Americans have been in the face of the economic challenges brought on by the recession. I thought we were a feisty country, tough and ready to stand up for what’s right. Case in …

I Get America, It’s Americans That Confuse Me Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.