November 7, 2019

Labor Needs To Embrace Social Justice Unionism

Proponents of the “rank-and-file strategy” (RFS) emphasize the need to lay the foundations of a revitalized labor movement through rank-and-file workers—as opposed to union staff or leadership. As Laura Gabby notes, this idea has a long history: In the 1970s, for instance, thousands of leftists (myself included) of both working-class origin and otherwise entered the workforce to …

Labor Needs To Embrace Social Justice Unionism Read More »

90% of Workers Aren’t in a Union. Labor’s Future Depends on Them.

My comrade Laura Gabby says that “supermajorities are necessary to raise class consciousness, fight capital, strike and win,” and I agree. But we diverge on how to get there. She and other rank-and-file strategy (RFS) supporters suggest realigning internal union politics from the inside out through a “militant minority.” As Kim Moody argues in his seminal pamphlet about RFS, …

90% of Workers Aren’t in a Union. Labor’s Future Depends on Them. Read More »

Want To Build the Labor Movement? Get a Job at a Union Workplace.

Only workers themselves have the power to transform society, and workers must organize themselves to do so. Union staff and elected leadership can play important and sometimes pivotal roles, but in the fight against capital to win substantive, lasting gains, workers must be in the driver’s seat. When workers are sidelined, at best we get …

Want To Build the Labor Movement? Get a Job at a Union Workplace. Read More »

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don’t mess with teachers

One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately …

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don’t mess with teachers Read More »

Kamala Harris proposes a longer school day—without tormenting kids or exploiting teachers

Students leave school hours before their parents typically get home from work, creating a challenge for many parents and too often meaning kids are left alone. Sen. Kamala Harris wants to change that—but not by making teachers work longer, uncompensated hours, as all too many proponents of longer school days want. Harris is proposing a pilot …

Kamala Harris proposes a longer school day—without tormenting kids or exploiting teachers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.