December 18, 2019

Cities Aren’t Waiting for a Federal Green New Deal

In 1992, recognizing that not all countries had contributed equally to the climate crisis, parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change codified the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities.” This framework insists that developed countries “take the lead in combating climate change” by transitioning to clean energy more rapidly, in order to …

Cities Aren’t Waiting for a Federal Green New Deal Read More »

Charter Schools’ Billion-Dollar Fraud Stinks Worse Than We Thought

Earlier this year, when members of Congress repeatedly confronted U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos about a study finding the federal government’s charter school grant program had wasted an estimated $1 billion on schools that had never opened or opened and quickly closed, she dismissed the findings and accused the report authors of having a “political agenda against charter …

Charter Schools’ Billion-Dollar Fraud Stinks Worse Than We Thought Read More »

DNC expresses hope that labor dispute will be defused ahead of this week’s debate

The Democratic National Committee said Monday that it expects parties involved in a labor dispute threatening to upend this week’s Democratic primary debate to “promptly” return to the negotiating table. Xochitl Hinojosa, the committee’s communications director, cited Chairman Tom Perez’s experience as Labor secretary under former President Barack Obama, writing that he’d handled “several labor disputes” in …

DNC expresses hope that labor dispute will be defused ahead of this week’s debate Read More »

Loyola Marymount cafeteria workers win a deal, so Thursday’s debate will go on as scheduled

Happy holidays! This week’s gift is that the Democratic presidential debate will go on as scheduled on Thursday, Dec. 19, after food service workers at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles reached a tentative deal with Sodexo, the company that employs them. All seven candidates who’ve qualified for the debate had said they would not cross a picket line, …

Loyola Marymount cafeteria workers win a deal, so Thursday’s debate will go on as scheduled Read More »

Sanders and Warren pledge to skip next debate if the alternative is crossing a picket line

The next Democratic presidential debate had its location changed over a labor boycott of the University of California. Now, top contenders Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren say they will skip the debate if a labor dispute with the new location, Loyola Marymount University, isn’t settled. Food service workers at the university have been in contract negotiations with Sodexo, the …

Sanders and Warren pledge to skip next debate if the alternative is crossing a picket line Read More »

Trump appointees hand McDonald’s a win in labor case, this week in the war on workers

Donald Trump’s conflict-of-interest-plagued National Labor Relations Board handed McDonald’s a big win in the fight over whether the company shares responsibility for workers and working conditions in most of its restaurants. The board allowed a $170,000 settlement between McDonald’s franchisees and workers, overruling an administrative law judge who had said the settlement was inadequate. The lone Democrat on …

Trump appointees hand McDonald’s a win in labor case, this week in the war on workers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.