Braving the Digital Shift: How to Upskill Your Team

James Ritter

The modern world of work has been reshaped significantly by the upsurge in remote setups. Since the pandemic, more workers across the world have replaced traditional working arrangements with fully remote or hybrid approaches.

Working in this way, from home or another remote location, offers lots of benefits to both the employee and their employer. 

But working away from the office and having team members dotted around the country and even beyond borders does present some challenges — not least when it comes to upskilling and professional development.

Traditional methods of development saw workers coming together to learn in a collaborative environment, whilst impromptu conversations in the office presented opportunities for constant upskilling. But with more companies now having teams based remotely, improving the skill set of the workforce suddenly becomes more challenging — but not impossible. 

While employees have to take responsibility for their own progression, it’s also up to business owners to identify opportunities and encourage upskilling.

According to this guide produced by software company Adaptavist, more than a third of workers admitted to never having searched for training opportunities themselves, highlighting a clear need for companies to intervene. Of course, efforts from employers to upskill their staff will be repaid by the employees who will be better equipped to carry out their duties, ultimately reducing any skill gaps and increasing productivity. 

This guide to upskilling and reskilling remote teams delves into some of the ways you can do that, as well as providing some top tips to overcome common challenges of remote upskilling. For more information on how you can kickstart your professional development journey, read the full guide here.

This blog was originally contributed to Workplace Fairness. Published with permission.

About the Author: James Ritter is a freelance writer who holds a particular interest in employee welfare, and has created content for established companies based all around the world. He has a degree in creative writing and is always eager to expand his knowledge around different subjects.

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.