Author name: max cyril

New Plant Closing Bill: FOREWARNED is Better Armed

The WARN Act, passed in 1988, was supposed to require employers to give workers and the surrounding community a 60-day advance notice of mass layoffs, providing workers a head start in preparing to find another job and communities a chance to brace for the economic impact. But loopholes, exceptions and weak enforcement have undermined the …

New Plant Closing Bill: FOREWARNED is Better Armed Read More »

Taxing Employer Health Benefits: The Poison Pill That Would Kill Health Care Reform

I was asked today to post a diary to Daily Kos written by my boss, Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa – it is beneath the fold. In this piece we are looking into the fact that a tax hike on health benefits to pay for health care reform is a bitter, bitter pill for …

Taxing Employer Health Benefits: The Poison Pill That Would Kill Health Care Reform Read More »

Just Because It’s a Layoff, Doesn’t Mean You’re Out of Options

In this down economy, many employers are undergoing layoffs of workers. Certainly, it can be harder to prove that your termination was discriminatory or retaliatory when many others are suffering the same fate as you are. But ask yourself this: was the layoff legitimately based upon financial reasons, and if so, why were you chosen? …

Just Because It’s a Layoff, Doesn’t Mean You’re Out of Options Read More »

Zimmer on Ricci

Mike Zimmer (Loyola), co-author of the leading casebook on employment discrimination and friend of the blog has provided these thoughts on the Supreme Court’s Ricci decision from yesterday. 1. The Holding. The defendants’ decision to not use test results because their use would have meant that no African-American and only two Hispanics, who made up …

Zimmer on Ricci Read More »

HCAN’s Health Care ’09 Rally Was a Huge Success

The organization Health Care for American Now (HCAN) invited thousands of health care supporters from around the country to DC to lobby their Members of Congress for real health reform on Thursday, June 25.  According to Jason Rosenbaum from HCAN’s blog, “10,000 people from just about every state in the Union came to DC. People …

HCAN’s Health Care ’09 Rally Was a Huge Success Read More »

Business Professors: Employee Free Choice Act Good for the Economy

Two top business experts have taken to the pages of Business Week to make the case for the Employee Free Choice Act. Paul Adler, a professor at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, and Donald Palmer, an associate dean and professor at the University of California-Davis, say corporate hostility to …

Business Professors: Employee Free Choice Act Good for the Economy Read More »

Congress Hears Demands for Health Care Reform in Town Hall Meetings

Members of Congress met in town hall sessions Thursday with constituents who were on Capitol Hill to rally and demand health care reform. Read dispatches from some of the meetings. —————– Ohio Weighs In After the rally, more than 250 activists from Ohio met at the Columbus Club at Union Station to plan for an …

Congress Hears Demands for Health Care Reform in Town Hall Meetings Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.