Author name: max cyril

COBRA’s High Cost Bites Into Jobless Safety Net

As unemployment rises more women are turning to COBRA for health insurance coverage, but discovering it’s either too expensive or not available. Women who shop for individual insurance often face higher rates due to “gender rating,” a recent study found. (WOMENSENEWS)–When Jane Schiffler loses her job on July 1, the college administrator will face tough …

COBRA’s High Cost Bites Into Jobless Safety Net Read More »

Union Busting Ended My Love Affair with a Beer

Over many years, I have developed an intimate relationship with the sweet, lager taste of Yuengling Black & Tan. After moving to the cutthroat world of Washington, D.C. politics, I found that Yuengling always comforted me with memories of my working class roots and the world of flannel hunting jackets, wedding receptions at union halls, …

Union Busting Ended My Love Affair with a Beer Read More »

Now Labeled a Pandemic, Swine Flu Poses Threat to Health Care Workers

The H1N1 (swine flu) virus is now the first global flu pandemic in 41 years. The World Health Organization (WHO) yesterday declared the virus a Phase-6 pandemic, its highest level of warning. The declaration means the virus has circled the globe and poses a threat to spread more rapidly among populations. So far, there have …

Now Labeled a Pandemic, Swine Flu Poses Threat to Health Care Workers Read More »

Minimum Wage Raises Us All

Over the past few weeks, I’ve explored a variety of proposals for additional federal stimulus measures. The federal government could make greater investments in repairing public infrastructure; fund the construction of affordable housing; extend tax credits to employers who increase employee health coverage; provide incentives for states to expand access to food stamps, welfare, and …

Minimum Wage Raises Us All Read More »

Why Does Chamber of Commerce Favor Arbitration for Workplace Rape Victims, But Oppose It for Union Workers?

Yesterday, the union movement ramped up its attacks on the Chamber of Commerce over its “two-faced” approach to the Employee Free Choice Act’s provision requiring arbitration if a business won’t bargain in good faith after a union’s been chosen by workers. As the AFL-CIO Now blog observed: The latest Big Business tactic is to attack …

Why Does Chamber of Commerce Favor Arbitration for Workplace Rape Victims, But Oppose It for Union Workers? Read More »

Washington Post Makes Up Competition In the Insurance Market

It’s amazing how far the conservative Washington Post editorial board will go to deny the fact. Here is the blatant falsehood from their editorial today (emphasis mine): More disappointing was Mr. Obama’s restated commitment to a public health insurance option as part of the array of available plans. A public plan is not necessary to …

Washington Post Makes Up Competition In the Insurance Market Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.