Author name: max cyril

Corporate Hypocrisy on Bargaining Highlights Need for Employee Free Choice

The misleading attacks by Big Business on the Employee Free Choice Act now are aimed at the provision that would guarantee that workers can get a fair first contract. Their scare tactics are not only misleading, they’re hypocritical. Right now, workers lack a legal means to ensure they get a fair first contract. Recent research …

Corporate Hypocrisy on Bargaining Highlights Need for Employee Free Choice Read More »

Small Biz Group Says Health Care Reform Could Save Them $855 Billion

Health care reform that requires employers to provide health care coverage for workers or pay into a fund—known as pay or play—could save small businesses as much as $855 billion during the next few years. A new study by the Small Business Majority disproves claims by health care reform opponents that requiring businesses to provide …

Small Biz Group Says Health Care Reform Could Save Them $855 Billion Read More »

Clean Energy Company Treats Workers Like Dirt

Covanta Energy operates 30 incinerators in the U.S. that convert waste to energy. The company’s holdings include Hennepin Energy, an incinerator that employs members of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Minneapolis, Minn., Local 160. Covanta, which increased its earnings in 2008 to $50 million, prides itself on being an innovative, “green,” responsible employer. But the …

Clean Energy Company Treats Workers Like Dirt Read More »

FedEx Threatens to “Destroy” Members of Congress

FedEx CEO Fred Smith’s arrogant campaign of threats and intimidation continued this week when his top spokesman threatened to take down members of Congress who oppose FedEx’s position on a key piece of legislation. When asked about FedEx’s multi-million dollar ad campaign against the legislation that is reported to launch on Tuesday, June 9, top …

FedEx Threatens to “Destroy” Members of Congress Read More »

As Chamber Lobbies, Its Paid Expert Says: No Unions, No Minimum Wage Law Needed

This week, the Chamber of Commerce launches its most forceful lobbying effort yet to kill the Employee Free Choice Act and to end talk of compromise on Capitol Hill. The Chamber is donning the masquerade of championing workers’ rights by railing over the myth that the bill would take away the secret ballot — it …

As Chamber Lobbies, Its Paid Expert Says: No Unions, No Minimum Wage Law Needed Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.