Author name: max cyril

The Fall of General Motors and the Three Paths to the Middle Class

For decades, unionized manufacturing jobs have been considered the surest path to middle-class prosperity and realizing the vaunted dream for blue-collar workers,” writes Nick Carey in an eloquent analysis for Reuters. Yet today General Motors is in bankruptcy and the United Auto Workers has made a series of painful cutbacks from wages for future workers …

The Fall of General Motors and the Three Paths to the Middle Class Read More »

Employee Free Choice Act: A Signature Battle for Our Future

At the three-day America’s Future Now! conference going on now in Washington, D.C., many workshops are focused on empowering people and building a stronger, fairer economy, and few issues are more critical to those goals than the Employee Free Choice Act and restoring workers’ freedom to form unions and bargain for a better life. At a …

Employee Free Choice Act: A Signature Battle for Our Future Read More »

$82 Million and United for Health Care

The big number the press will concentrate on today, from the press conference today launching America’s Future Now and progressive health care campaigns, is $82 million: Progressive groups are poised to spend more than $82 million to support President Obama’s goal of achieving quality, affordable health care for all this year, according to leaders gathered …

$82 Million and United for Health Care Read More »

Judge Sonia Sotomayor Confirmation: What You Can Do

On May 27 Workplace Fairness interns Hannah Goitein, Jessica Haden, Shannon Lichtenberg, and I participated in a conference call with The Coalition for Constitutional Values. This national coalition of organizations represents millions of Americans from across the country who believe it is important that the American people be informed about the nomination of Judge Sonia …

Judge Sonia Sotomayor Confirmation: What You Can Do Read More »

Labor Secretary Reverses Bush’s Attack on Farmworker Labor Laws

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will suspend the midnight Bush Administration changes to weaken labor protections in the nation’s agricultural guestworker program. The changes to the H-2A guestworker program took effect January 17, 2009, and have had a dramatic impact on wages and working conditions for agricultural workers under the program. In a notice to be …

Labor Secretary Reverses Bush’s Attack on Farmworker Labor Laws Read More »

Is Sotomayor a Reverse Racist?: Testing the Limits of Tests

Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor is taking heat for being a member of the three-judge panel in Ricci v. DeStefano, a case filed by seventeen white firefighters and one Latino firefighter who were the top-scorers on a multiple-choice firefighter exam.  The case is currently under consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court and has prompted …

Is Sotomayor a Reverse Racist?: Testing the Limits of Tests Read More »

AT&T v. Hulteen: A Bad Decision that Did Not Have to Be

In AT&T v. Hulteen Justice Souter authored the 7-2 majority opinion holding that AT&T’s “reliance” interest in perpetuating past pregnancy discrimination trumps the right of  Noreen Hulteen and her fellow plaintiffs to enjoy the same level of retirement benefits as other employees with the same longevity of service to the company.  This is a deeply …

AT&T v. Hulteen: A Bad Decision that Did Not Have to Be Read More »

Towards a “New Normal” in the American Workplace – A Public Policy Platform on Flexible Work Arrangements

On the heels of First Lady Michelle Obama’s challenge to find ways to encourage employers to provide more flexibility to employees, Workplace Flexibility 2010, a Georgetown Law-based think tank, has released a new report outlining a comprehensive set of policy solutions to expand Americans’ access to flexible work arrangements (FWAs) such as compressed workweeks, predictable …

Towards a “New Normal” in the American Workplace – A Public Policy Platform on Flexible Work Arrangements Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.