Author name: max cyril

An Agreement That Isn’t Good for Anyone: The Panama Trade Promotion Agreement

People and planet should come before profits, but the proposed Panama trade plan would mean greed rules. The Senate Finance committee is meeting tomorrow to discuss the proposed Panama Trade Promotion Agreement. Top trade negotiator Ron Kirk is trying to ram through this agreement by July 1, when the Panamanian head of state Martin Torrijos …

An Agreement That Isn’t Good for Anyone: The Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Read More »

President Reiterates Call for Passage of Employee Free Choice Act; Says Compromise May Be Needed

President Obama knows the value of unions to the American economy and to American workers. He has forcefully spoken in support of workers organizing to improve their lives and staunchly supported the Employee Free Choice Act. But even a popular president has to count votes. Today he spoke again on the Employee Free Choice Act …

President Reiterates Call for Passage of Employee Free Choice Act; Says Compromise May Be Needed Read More »

Happy “Recessionary” Mother’s Day

Adecco Group North America’s latest American Workplace Insights Survey indicates the economy is changing life at home and work, leaving moms feeling the most stress.  Surprisingly, more than three quarters (80%) of working moms are working because they have to, showing there is likely an increased strain on family budgets due to the economic crisis.  …

Happy “Recessionary” Mother’s Day Read More »

For Mother’s Day, Let’s End Pregnancy Discrimination

Forget the fancy brunches, chocolates and flowers for a moment. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to call attention to a persistent workplace issue: pregnancy discrimination. In this country, anchored by adoration for Mom and apple pie, it’s almost unfathomable that discrimination against expectant mothers even exists. It is illegal under federal and state laws …

For Mother’s Day, Let’s End Pregnancy Discrimination Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.