Author name: max cyril

Going to Extremes — Does It Benefit Anyone?

We all know the type: workaholics; Type-A personalities; road warriors; but now we can call them “extreme workers.” As discussed in a new report by the Center for Work-Life Policy, “work for many has become the ultimate extreme sport—high level, high impact workers pushing themselves beyond their limits; working around the clock and around the …

Going to Extremes — Does It Benefit Anyone? Read More »

Gender Stereotyping in the Workplace and the Discrimination it Creates — Danica Dodds

(Note: Paula Brantner is on vacation this week, so this post was written by Danica Dodds, American University Washington College of Law Class of 2008, a legal intern for Workplace Fairness in summer 2006.) Stereotypes can be extremely harmful because they can cause a person to mistreat others based on preconceived notions that are untrue. …

Gender Stereotyping in the Workplace and the Discrimination it Creates — Danica Dodds Read More »

Fox in the Henhouse, Episode 57: It’s the Hens’ Fault Again

See what happens when you put the foxes in charge of the henhouse? They have you believing that the hens’ demise is all their own doing. Just look at the Department of Labor’s strategic plan for the next five years. It’s probably not that much of a surprise that “training” is the buzzword in Elaine …

Fox in the Henhouse, Episode 57: It’s the Hens’ Fault Again Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.