Author name: max cyril

New Supreme Court Sexual Harassment Ruling: Splitting the Baby

Almost lost in the flurry of cases released by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week was the Court’s decision in Pennsylvania State Police v. Suders, involving the liability of an employer when an employee finds conditions so intolerable that she quits. Admittedly, this decision would have been hard-pressed in any event to compete with …

New Supreme Court Sexual Harassment Ruling: Splitting the Baby Read More »

Workers of the U.S., Unite at the Polls!

Those attending last week’s conference sponsored by the Campaign for America’s Future in Washington, DC (like myself) were treated to a steady stream of rousing speeches and policy advocacy from some of our nation’s leading politicians, strategists and activists. But the message which overwhelmingly stood out for me after two and a half jam-packed days …

Workers of the U.S., Unite at the Polls! Read More »

California Executive’s Opposition to Minimum Wage Increase Paralleled on the Federal Level

The California Assembly has just passed a hike in the state minimum wage, to $7.25 (and eventually to $7.75 in 2006) from the current minimum of $6.75. However, even if the proposal passes both houses of the California Legislature, the state’s residents shouldn’t bank on the increase any time soon, as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is …

California Executive’s Opposition to Minimum Wage Increase Paralleled on the Federal Level Read More »

Retiree Health Benefits: An Endangered Species?

One of the most pressing concerns today for many reaching retirement age is whether they will be able to afford adequate health insurance, given the inadequacies of Medicare. One of the most pressing concerns today for those working for major employers throughout the United States is whether their employer’s promises–the basis for a lifetime of …

Retiree Health Benefits: An Endangered Species? Read More »

Mixed Bag on Overtime in Final Version of Administration Proposal

Today the Administration released its long-awaited overtime proposal, which is sure to satisfy hardly anyone at this point. Those who have fought the implementation of this proposal long and hard are still convinced that it will harm many more workers than it benefits, while those looking for the hard line the Administration took in the …

Mixed Bag on Overtime in Final Version of Administration Proposal Read More »

Supreme Court Finally to Address Taxation of Damage Awards (and Disparate Impact Age Cases Too)

Those of us who have been following the taxation of damage awards issue for several years now cannot help more than a twinge of excitement about the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has finally decided to address the issue — regardless of the ultimate outcome of the case. You know you care too much …

Supreme Court Finally to Address Taxation of Damage Awards (and Disparate Impact Age Cases Too) Read More »

It’s an Election Year, and Your Employer Wants You to Vote–Wonder Why?

It’s a Presidential election year, and accordingly the politically active among us are intensifying their “get out the vote” (GOTV) efforts, which until November will operate at a fevered pitch. Especially after the 2000 election, where the nation saw a scant handful of votes decide the presidency, both political parties know the importance of getting …

It’s an Election Year, and Your Employer Wants You to Vote–Wonder Why? Read More »

Last Chance: Immediate Action Needed on Overtime Proposal

For many months now, we’ve been asking our readers to try to stop the Bush Administration’s overtime proposal. However, the dark day of its implementation is very near, and Congress has yet to take effective action preventing it from going into effect. The time is now for one last concerted effort by the American public …

Last Chance: Immediate Action Needed on Overtime Proposal Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.