Author name: max cyril

New Civil Rights Bill Contains Some Important Legal Fixes

A bill recently introduced before Congress is designed to fix some of the most persistent problems faced by those bringing employment discrimination lawsuits, and will correct some of the most damaging U.S. Supreme Court decisions in recent years. On February 10, FAIRNESS: the Civil Rights Act of 2004 (PDF of House version), was introduced before …

New Civil Rights Bill Contains Some Important Legal Fixes Read More »

Job Gone Overseas? Don’t Worry, It’s a Good Thing

Down because your plant closed down and reopened in China? Angry because your tech job is now being handled in India? Don’t worry, let it go. Because it’s a good thing. The Administration says so. According to N. Gregory Mankiw, the chairman of President Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, “[o]utsourcing is just a new way …

Job Gone Overseas? Don’t Worry, It’s a Good Thing Read More »

If We Can’t Keep Our Promises Now, What’s Going to Happen Later?

Imagine the following: after working for years and preparing for retirement, your company suddenly chooses to switch its pension plan, so that the level of benefits you had been counting on for years would not be there when you retire. On top of that, while your company had a practice of paying retiree health care …

If We Can’t Keep Our Promises Now, What’s Going to Happen Later? Read More »

Warm Bodies Cost More Than Machines to Maintain, But They Also Vote and Spend Money

You may have heard lately, here and elsewhere, about the “jobless recovery.” While a number of the traditional leading economic indicators demonstrate that our nation is coming out of the economic malaise characterizing the past few years, unemployment and job creation statistics aren’t matching up. While the debate could become endless whether a “jobless recovery” …

Warm Bodies Cost More Than Machines to Maintain, But They Also Vote and Spend Money Read More »

Latest Wrinkle in Overtime Debate Holds Up Spending Bill

“It ain’t over until it’s over” appears to be the rallying cry of those in the U.S. Senate fighting to save American workers from overtime “reform” this year. Although the proposed regulations of the Department of Labor limiting overtime protections for millions of workers are slated to go into effect by March 31, 2004, the …

Latest Wrinkle in Overtime Debate Holds Up Spending Bill Read More »

Bush’s Immigration Plan Draws Fire From Both Sides

In this election year, there’s a new immigration proposal on the table, submitted by the Bush Administration. This proposal is of special concern to undocumented workers residing in the United States, as it would be an amnesty program of sorts that would permit them to legalize their employment status while they work in the United …

Bush’s Immigration Plan Draws Fire From Both Sides Read More »

Celebrate International Human Rights Day by Promoting Workplace Rights

Today, Wednesday, December 10, is the annual observance of International Human Rights Day. This day commemorates the 1948 ratification of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights. One of the many rights guaranteed by this document is the right of workers to form a union and collectively bargain with their employers. That is why the union …

Celebrate International Human Rights Day by Promoting Workplace Rights Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.