Author name: max cyril

Congressional Updates: Good News on Overtime, Bad News on Pickering Nomination

Congress has been busy this week, in the waning days of this year’s session. There’s some good news and some bad news for workers, and believe it or not, the good news is from the House of Representatives, which voted yesterday to support efforts to prevent new overtime regulations from going into effect. The bad …

Congressional Updates: Good News on Overtime, Bad News on Pickering Nomination Read More »

Employees May Lose Right to Jury Trial in 9th Circuit Mandatory Arbitration Opinion

Many people think that if you have been discriminated against or otherwise harmed in the workplace, that you have a right to take that case to court and to have a jury of your peers determine whether or not your employer’s conduct violated the law. In an increasing number of cases, that assumption would be …

Employees May Lose Right to Jury Trial in 9th Circuit Mandatory Arbitration Opinion Read More »

Charles Pickering is Back: Revived Battle to Stop His Nomination

This Thursday (10/2), the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to again take up the nomination of Charles W. Pickering, Sr. for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The move is likely to incite intense partisan debate over the propriety of resurrecting a nomination that was killed in the previous Congress by the Judiciary Committee, then …

Charles Pickering is Back: Revived Battle to Stop His Nomination Read More »

Eye on the Election: Your Source for Workplace-Related Presidential Election News

Want to know what the presidential candidates are saying about jobs and unemployment? Do you care about which candidate is picking up key endorsements from labor groups? Then our site’s latest feature is for you. Our site’s new Eye on the Election feature contains the latest news about the 2004 Presidential election and the candidates’ …

Eye on the Election: Your Source for Workplace-Related Presidential Election News Read More »

It Takes a Hurricane to Produce Good Unemployment Numbers

Amidst all the speculation, repeated here and elsewhere, whether the economy is or isn’t yet recovering from a recession, or whether a “jobless recovery” counts as a recovery or not, we finally have some dramatically improved unemployment statistics this week. But don’t get too excited. The number of new unemployment claims filed last week, at …

It Takes a Hurricane to Produce Good Unemployment Numbers Read More »

Even Monkeys Get It–Now Why Doesn’t My Boss?

One of the most fascinating workplace-related studies to cross our desk recently came to us courtesy of Nature Magazine. Researchers have learned that monkeys appear to have an innate sense of fairness, and will express their displeasure when failing to receive “equal pay for equal work.” Now that we know that primates have natural expectations …

Even Monkeys Get It–Now Why Doesn’t My Boss? Read More »

Extended Vacation Over; Today’s Workplace to Get Back on Schedule

If you saw the post below, you might have expected Today’s Workplace to return with regular postings before now. However, due to travel commitments and other priorities, our daily postings have fallen behind. However, we intend to resume very soon our regular updates on the most important issues affecting the workplace. Thanks for checking, and …

Extended Vacation Over; Today’s Workplace to Get Back on Schedule Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.