
FAIR Act Will Help Enforce Workers’ Rights and Ability to Join Together and Fight Back Against Employer and Corporate Wrongdoing

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) applaudsCongressman Hank Johnson, along with 155 cosponsors, for introducing the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act of 2021. The FAIR Act would end corporations’ imposition of forced arbitration and class/collective action waivers in employment and civil rights cases, restoring the rights of workers to seek accountability from their employers for …

FAIR Act Will Help Enforce Workers’ Rights and Ability to Join Together and Fight Back Against Employer and Corporate Wrongdoing Read More »

Stop Calling It an Arbitration Agreement—Employers Are Forcing Workers to Give Up Their Rights

Trump-appointee Justice Neil Gorsuch begins his decision for the majority in Epic Systems v. Lewis, the landmark arbitration case decided Monday at the Supreme Court, with a simple set of questions: “Should employees and employers be allowed to agree that any disputes between them will be resolved through one-on-one arbitration? Or should employees always be permitted …

Stop Calling It an Arbitration Agreement—Employers Are Forcing Workers to Give Up Their Rights Read More »

The sinister history underlying Neil Gorsuch’s decision lashing out at American workers

The ink was barely dry on Neil Gorsuch’s opinion in Epic Systems v. Morris before Ogletree Deakins — a management-side employment law firm that earned nearly three-quarters of a million dollars in profits per equity partner last year — started hawking an “innovative new product” that would enable employers to enrich themselves at the expense of their most vulnerable …

The sinister history underlying Neil Gorsuch’s decision lashing out at American workers Read More »

The Supreme Court’s Latest Anti-Worker Decision Deals a Major Blow to the #MeToo Movement

After months of sustained public pressure targeting sexual harassment in workplaces across the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday significantly undermined the power of workers to collectively challenge discrimination and abuse at the hands of their employers. In a 5-4 decision on the Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis case, the Court ruled that private-sector employees do …

The Supreme Court’s Latest Anti-Worker Decision Deals a Major Blow to the #MeToo Movement Read More »

18 states are suing Betsy DeVos for putting for-profit college fraudsters over student borrowers

Betsy DeVos is making it harder for students to get loan forgiveness after being cheated by for-profit colleges, but Democratic attorneys general across the country are challenging her in court. DeVos has had the Education Department put a hold on new rules that were supposed to take effect on July 1 protecting student borrowers—protecting student borrowers is definitely …

18 states are suing Betsy DeVos for putting for-profit college fraudsters over student borrowers Read More »

The Trump administration is quietly making it easier to abuse seniors in nursing homes

The Trump administration is poised to undo rules issued by the Obama administration last year to protect seniors from a common tactic used by businesses to shield themselves from consequences for illegal conduct. Under these rules, issued last September, Medicare and Medicaid would cut off payments to nursing homes that require new residents to sign forced arbitration agreements, …

The Trump administration is quietly making it easier to abuse seniors in nursing homes Read More »

The Trump Administration is About to Put Nursing Home Profits Ahead of Nursing Home Patients

Some of the most heart-wrenching stories of abuse, mistreatment and neglect you’re likely to hear involve nursing homes. As America’s baby boomers age, and nursing home populations continue to grow, big corporations have, not surprisingly, started to take note. In fact, the vast majority of nursing homes in the United States – 70%, according to …

The Trump Administration is About to Put Nursing Home Profits Ahead of Nursing Home Patients Read More »

Ahead of CFPB Rule, Congress Prepares for a Showdown over the Future of Forced Arbitration and Consumer Class Actions

Last week, lawmakers laid the groundwork for a battle over consumer rights and forced arbitration that likely will play out through the spring. First, congressional Democrats introduced several bills to restore consumers’ right to hold corporations accountable in court for wrongdoing. Led by U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), lawmakers on March 7 introduced a slate …

Ahead of CFPB Rule, Congress Prepares for a Showdown over the Future of Forced Arbitration and Consumer Class Actions Read More »

If Uber Wants to Take Away Its Customers’ Rights, It Should Tell Them

It’s bad enough that a ton of corporations require their customers and employees to submit all their legal claims to private arbitration, a secretive system that is rigged against the individual. But to compound the unfairness, a growing number of corporations are hiding their forced arbitration clauses to make them more and more obscure. As …

If Uber Wants to Take Away Its Customers’ Rights, It Should Tell Them Read More »

Why the Wells Fargo Scandal Shows the Need to End Forced Arbitration

Another day, another scandal at the big banks. Since the financial crisis, banks like Barclays and UBS have been caught manipulating interest rates; J.P. Morgan has reluctantly handed over billions for its association with Bernie Madoff, illegal hiring practices, and lax oversight of its own traders among its other misdeeds; while Goldman Sachs has been …

Why the Wells Fargo Scandal Shows the Need to End Forced Arbitration Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.