
Why Today’s Workplace Readers Should Think About Attending The ROI of Great Workplaces Conference

You found this blog, or return to it, because you’re interested in workplace rights and employers that follow the law to a tee, right?  Well, you’ll find the latest, best information on both and meet some dynamic business contacts to boot at Winning Workplaces’ 2009 annual event that will be held in Chicago on October 1-2.  We’re …

Why Today’s Workplace Readers Should Think About Attending The ROI of Great Workplaces Conference Read More »

Another Reason to Create a Winning Workplace: Less Litigation

In recent posts on our blog I’ve mentioned the following as ROI for small organizations that define employee engagement, build and utilize practices to engage employees, and turn to manager team building to create a strong culture that trickles down from leadership: Lower turnover/higher employee tenure Greater camaraderie that makes it less likely people will quit, …

Another Reason to Create a Winning Workplace: Less Litigation Read More »

What Will First Lady Michelle Obama’s Work-Life Balance Efforts Look Like?

We have heard for some time that Michelle Obama’s pet concerns on the campaign trail, which she hoped to be able to continue while in the White House – and will indeed be able to after last week’s dramatic election finish for her husband, President-Elect Barack – are helping families create a healthy work/life balance …

What Will First Lady Michelle Obama’s Work-Life Balance Efforts Look Like? Read More »

How Small Business Could be Reshaped After Today’s Election

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be an endorsement of any party or candidate but, rather, an exploration of issues affecting small business as shaped by what will *most likely* happen at the polls today. Today’s election will be historic, no matter the outcome.  If you’re anything near the political junkie that I am, you’ve …

How Small Business Could be Reshaped After Today’s Election Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.