Buy American Act

Biden continues using executive power to help working people

President Joe Biden will sign an executive order strengthening Buy American policies on Monday. While such provisions, which encourage federal agencies to buy U.S.-made products, already exist, they’re filled with loopholes and haven’t always been followed.  “Existing Buy American rules establish a domestic content threshold—the amount of a product that must be made in the U.S. for …

Biden continues using executive power to help working people Read More »

For the Strength of Rosie the Riveter: Make It in America

Shuttered U.S. factories and off-shored manufacturing are sapping American strength. Late in April, 58 percent of 1,000 likely voters told pollsters they believed America’s economy no longer led the world. They also said they supported enacting a national manufacturing policy to promote resurgence of domestic production — a return to the days of a robust Rosie the Riveter and a country that could secure its independence with dynamic manufacturing capability. Rosie said, “We Can Do It.” Americans believe we can still do it.

Our Government Should be Complying Not Just with the Letter but with the Spirit of the Buy American Act

The Census has been purchasing promotional materials for Census 2010 that were manufactured overseas, and Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL) is not happy about it.  In a statement issued today, Lipinski said: “The Census has some explaining to do, and so far it’s not providing much clarity. Our government should be complying not just with the …

Our Government Should be Complying Not Just with the Letter but with the Spirit of the Buy American Act Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.