Chamber of Commerce

Heaven, Hell And The U.S. Chamber: 13 Years Of Anti-Judicial Propaganda

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform just released the latest version of the propaganda piece it started publishing in 2002. Entitled 2015 Lawsuit Climate Survey: Ranking the States, the report summarizes the answers of a “nationally representative sample of 1,203 in-house general counsel, senior litigators or attorneys, and other senior executives who …

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New Labor Split? Trumka Refuses to Denounce Obama Chamber of Commerce Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Many in the labor movement objected to President Barack Obama speaking at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. Yet there was little protest from AFL-CIO leaders to the president’s speech. For the first time, President Obama ventured over to the Chamber of Commerce to speak. While the speech was full of the usual platitudes of …

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Corporate Rewards: Controlling U.S. Trade Policy

Today, Abraham Lincoln would have to say America’s got a government of the people by the corporations, for the corporations. That’s because American corporations are in control, exercising all the Supreme Court-granted rights and privileges of personhood while shirking all of the responsibilities of citizenship. The proposed trade agreement with South Korea illustrates corporate control of government for profit. Americans hate the FTA that will cost jobs and increase the trade deficit. But corporations, which stand to profit from it, are insisting on its passage and succeeded in spinning the break down of talks in Seoul as a failure for Obama.

U.S. Chamber’s “Card Check Compromise” Poll Compromises the Facts

Yesterday, the U.S. Chamber released a “nationwide poll,” which claimed to reveal the public’s fears about how the “Employee Free Choice Act” would hurt job growth. If the Chamber really wanted to stir up some press on their reinvigorated anti-worker campaign, perhaps they should have picked a less-obviously right wing polling company to make their …

U.S. Chamber’s “Card Check Compromise” Poll Compromises the Facts Read More »

The Chamber of Commerce’s Jobs Deception Campaign

Unions are popularly known as “the folks who brought you the weekend.” In contrast, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has the distinction of trying to take away the weekend–along with overtime pay, the minimum wage, Buy America rules, workers’ freedom to form unions, child labor standards….The list is long and ugly. So it’s farcical that …

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.