Collective Bargaining

Los Deliveristas Speak: How Delivery Workers Are Organizing to Take On the Apps

More than 2,000 food couriers snarled traffic in Times Square through pouring rain in protest April 21 demanding better working conditions and protection from violent assaults. The mass demonstration was organized by Los Deliveristas Unidos, a loose network of immigrant gig workers that was born in the strife of the pandemic last year through online chat …

Los Deliveristas Speak: How Delivery Workers Are Organizing to Take On the Apps Read More »

What Your Boss Doesn’t Want You to Know, and Where to Find It

Given the wealth of information available online, conducting research on your employer is more possible than ever—and more important than ever, as firms become more complex and globalized. There’s no reason we should ever begin bargaining or start an organizing campaign without a strong sense of who the employer is, how it generates its profit, …

What Your Boss Doesn’t Want You to Know, and Where to Find It Read More »

Unions eye Brookings, Urban Institute as push to organize think tanks grows

Workers at two of the largest, most influential think tanks in Washington, D.C. are forming a union, adding to a growing trend in white-collar collective bargaining.  Staff at the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute on Tuesday asked their employers to grant them voluntary recognition — which doesn’t require a secret ballot election — of their unions, which are …

Unions eye Brookings, Urban Institute as push to organize think tanks grows Read More »

Swarming Solidarity: How Contract Negotiations in 2021 Could Be Flashpoints in the U.S. Class Struggle

The labor movement’s pundits and prognosticators ring in the New Year like commentators anywhere. They make pronouncements about what “will” happen and what “should” happen to revitalize the shrinking U.S. trade union movement. At 6.2 percent density in the private sector, U.S. unions aren’t even treading water; we are drowning. That makes it more imperative …

Swarming Solidarity: How Contract Negotiations in 2021 Could Be Flashpoints in the U.S. Class Struggle Read More »

How to Boost Unions’ Power? Sectoral Bargaining.

sec•tor•al bar•gain•ing noun 1. a labor pol­i­cy that enables unions to set stan­dards for their whole indus­try, boost­ing their lever­ag­ing power “Sectoral bargaining could shift employers from competing based on who can pay their workers the least, to competing based on the quality of their services.” —Charlotte Garden, Professor, Seattle University School of Law Why can’t unions do “sec­toral …

How to Boost Unions’ Power? Sectoral Bargaining. Read More »

Trump Is Waging War on the VA’s Union, and Workers Are Living in Fear

As Don­ald Trump cam­paigns for reelec­tion by declar­ing his love for the mil­i­tary and its vet­er­ans, the union that rep­re­sents more than a quar­ter of a mil­lion Depart­ment of Vet­er­ans Affairs (VA) employ­ees says that the Trump admin­is­tra­tion has cre­at­ed an atmos­phere of fear and retal­i­a­tion among the peo­ple tasked with tak­ing care of America’s veterans. More than 250,000 VA …

Trump Is Waging War on the VA’s Union, and Workers Are Living in Fear Read More »

New Collective Bargaining Law Paves the Way to Worker Justice at Delaware DMV

After Delaware Gov. John Carney signed a bill to expand collective bargaining rights for public employees in June, workers have begun organizing at state agencies. Employees of the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles voted last week to join Laborers (LIUNA) Local 1029, establishing a union there for the first time. Gurvis Miner, business manager for …

New Collective Bargaining Law Paves the Way to Worker Justice at Delaware DMV Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.