Department of Labor

Trump Administration Should Rescind Proposal That Allows Bosses to Pocket Working People’s Tips

As we previously reported, President Donald Trump’s Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta announced a new proposed regulation to allow restaurant owners to pocket the tips of millions of tipped workers. This would result in an estimated $5.8 billion in lost wages for workers each year?wages that they rightfully earned. And most of that would come from women’s pockets. Nearly 70% of …

Trump Administration Should Rescind Proposal That Allows Bosses to Pocket Working People’s Tips Read More »

Labor Department scrubbed analysis that said its proposal would rob billions from workers

The Department of Labor decided to scrub an analysis from its proposal affecting tipped workers after it found workers would be robbed of billions of dollars, according to former and current department sources who spoke to Bloomberg Law. In December, the Labor Department proposed a rule that rescinded portions of Obama-administration tip regulations and would allow employers who …

Labor Department scrubbed analysis that said its proposal would rob billions from workers Read More »

Here Are the 10 Worst Attacks on Workers From Trump’s First Year

January 20th marks the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Since taking office, President Trump has overseen a string of policies that will harm working people and benefit corporations and the rich. Here we present a list of the 10 worst things Congress and Trump have done to undermine pay growth and erode working conditions …

Here Are the 10 Worst Attacks on Workers From Trump’s First Year Read More »

Here’s How Trump’s Labor Department Quietly Gave Bosses Even More Power Over Their Workers

On January 5, the Department of Labor (DOL) quietly took a step to bolster the legal power of bosses over their workers by reissuing 17 previously withdrawn opinion letters. Developed at the end of George W. Bush’s final term, the letters had been withdrawn by the Obama administration, which discontinued the practice of issuing opinion …

Here’s How Trump’s Labor Department Quietly Gave Bosses Even More Power Over Their Workers Read More »

2017 was a year of eroding workers’ rights

There have been a series of victories for labor rights in recent years. Graduate student workers at private colleges and universities now have the right to unionize. In New York, employers are no longer allowed to ask for an employee’s salary history — a question that often hurts women and people of color. And the Fight for 15 has scored …

2017 was a year of eroding workers’ rights Read More »

Trump Dept. of Labor Rule Would Legalize Employers Stealing Workers’ Tips

Last week, the Trump administration launched yet another front in its war on workers when the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new rule that would allow restaurants and other employers of tipped workers to begin legally pocketing their workers’ tips.  The DOL’s proposed rule would ostensibly allow restaurants to take the tips that servers …

Trump Dept. of Labor Rule Would Legalize Employers Stealing Workers’ Tips Read More »

Labor Department Proposes Legalizing Wage Theft

The Labor Department is moving quickly to establish a new rule that would make tips the property of restaurant owners instead of workers. This week, President Donald Trump’s administration proposed getting rid of an existing rule that makes tips the property of servers that restaurant owners cannot take away. Under the new proposal, restaurant owners who …

Labor Department Proposes Legalizing Wage Theft Read More »

Tell the Labor Department Not to Repeal the Persuader Rule

The Labor Department issued a proposal on Monday that would rescind the union-buster transparency rule, officially known as the persuader rule, designed to increase disclosure requirements for consultants and attorneys hired by companies to try to persuade working people against coming together in a union. The rule was supposed to go into effect last year, …

Tell the Labor Department Not to Repeal the Persuader Rule Read More »

HELP Committee Should Ask Acosta for Commitments to the DOL Mission

Ahead of Wednesday’s confirmation hearing for Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor, workers and workers’ advocates have been vocal about their concerns with his appointment. Workplace Fairness, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, among others, are seeking assurances from Mr. Acosta about how he intends to protect workers and …

HELP Committee Should Ask Acosta for Commitments to the DOL Mission Read More »

What Slashing the Labor Department Budget by 21 Percent Would Mean

The Trump administration’s “budget blueprint” would devastate worker safety, job training programs and legal services essential to low-income workers. Its cuts include a 21 percent, or $2.5 billion, reduction in the Department of Labor’s budget. The budget would reduce funding for or eliminate programs that provide job training to low-income workers, unemployed seniors, disadvantaged youth …

What Slashing the Labor Department Budget by 21 Percent Would Mean Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.