
California Assembly Bill 9 Expands the Statute of Limitation for Discrimination Claims

Statutes of limitations, are designed to ensure that an alleged victim does not delay in making a claim for damages or other relief.  A long delay can deprive the defendant of the evidence necessary to fight the claim. By failing to act with reasonable diligence to pursue a claim, relevant document may be lost and …

California Assembly Bill 9 Expands the Statute of Limitation for Discrimination Claims Read More »

Discrimination Based on Hair Styles is Now Illegal Under California Law

The Public Shearing of Andrew Johnson’s Dreadlocks In December 2018, a video showed a white high school trainer in New Jersey cutting dreadlocks from 16-year old African American wrestler, Andrew Johnson. The lead referee had instructed him, ‘Cut your hair in the next 90 seconds, or you will be banned from today’s competition.’ The image …

Discrimination Based on Hair Styles is Now Illegal Under California Law Read More »

Will The 2020 Contenders Take On Inequality?

Is America’s political discourse on inequality finally getting real? In the early going of the 2020 presidential campaign, this has become a question worth asking. White House hopefuls have been condemning the maldistribution of America’s income and wealth with an intensity—and a specificity—that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. And the rich …

Will The 2020 Contenders Take On Inequality? Read More »

When is a hairstyle not just a hairstyle? When it’s a pretext for discrimination.

African Americans in particular find that their afros, cornrows and dreadlocks are held against them at school and when applying for jobs. Employers in California no longer will be allowed to reject job candidates because they dislike their curls, coils, kinks or locks, after the governor signed a first-of-its-kind bill outlawing hair discrimination. The new measure, signed …

When is a hairstyle not just a hairstyle? When it’s a pretext for discrimination. Read More »

Black Workers Say Walmart’s Background Checks Are Racially Discriminatory

When Walmart announced in January that it was “in-sourcing” its Elwood, Illinois, distribution center, workers were cautiously optimistic. Since it opened in 2006, the 3.4 million-square-foot warehouse has been operated by Schneider Logistics, a third-party contractor, which in turn hired workers through temp agencies. Walmart’s plan to absorb several of its outsourced warehouses nationwide meant …

Black Workers Say Walmart’s Background Checks Are Racially Discriminatory Read More »

Trump wants to dismantle decades of discrimination protections

The Trump administration is looking to either eliminate or severely restrict regulations designed to protect people from discrimination in a number of categories, the Washington Post reported Thursday. The Department of Justice is asking federal agencies to assess ways to scale back regulations that allow for “disparate impact” legal challenges to discrimination. Disparate impact refers …

Trump wants to dismantle decades of discrimination protections Read More »

Sometimes hiring discrimination is committed by a bigot—and sometimes it’s by standardized test

You might think that a standardized test would be a way to eliminate discrimination from job hiring—everyone gets the same questions, and everyone’s answers are graded in the same way. But you’d be wrong. In fact, some standardized tests used widely by employers looking to screen job-seekers can be instruments of discrimination, Will Evans reports. …

Sometimes hiring discrimination is committed by a bigot—and sometimes it’s by standardized test Read More »

Federal judge concludes transgender worker can sue for sex discrimination

A federal court in Kentucky is allowing a transgender workplace discrimination suit to proceed, recognizing that mistreatment in regards to gender identity constitutes illegal discrimination on the basis of sex. Plaintiff Mykel Mickens sued General Electric Appliances (GE) for harassment and disparate treatment in the workplace. He was not permitted to use the men’s restroom, …

Federal judge concludes transgender worker can sue for sex discrimination Read More »

What Will Discrimination Cost Georgia?

Fifty-two years after Lester Maddox famously chased African-Americans out of his restaurant with an ax handle, the phrase “We don’t serve your kind here” may be heard once again in Georgia. On Wednesday, the Republican-controlled Georgia General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a law that says the state may not “substantial burden a person’s exercise of religion …

What Will Discrimination Cost Georgia? Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.