
Vocational Education Should Be For Everyone

The term “vocational education,” which means preparing students for a certain trade, such as auto repair or beauty school, initially began in 1917 to reduce unemployment and improve wages, and in the 1940s and 1950s, vocational education expanded to other subjects beyond agriculture and industrial work such as science, math and foreign language education. At …

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Chicago Students Boycott Class, Demanding an Elected and Accountable School Board

“David Vitale, we don’t recognize you as the board chairperson… You’re fired!” Thus Jitu Brown, education organizer at the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization on Chicago’s South Side, began today’s protest rally of about 400 students, parents and community members outside the downtown headquarters of Chicago Public Schools (CPS), where Chicago Board of Education president Vitale …

Chicago Students Boycott Class, Demanding an Elected and Accountable School Board Read More »

McDonald’s Urges Franchises to Open on Christmas Day … Without Overtime Pay

In November McDonald’s saw a 2.5 percent increase in November sales. This is after the fast food giant saw a decrease in sales of 2.2 percent in October. So why was there increase in sales? Was the pork-like substitute McRib back? Was there a shortage of Ore-Ida french fries in your local grocer’s freezer causing …

McDonald’s Urges Franchises to Open on Christmas Day … Without Overtime Pay Read More »

Affirmative Action Ban in State Constitution Violates US Constitution (8-7)

Michigan voters adopted a state constitutional amendment that prohibits “all sex- and race-based preferences in public education, public employment, and public contracting.” The 6th Circuit (8-7) held this provision – as it relates to education – violates the 14th amendment’s equal protection clause. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action v. Univ of Michigan (6th Cir 11/15/2012) …

Affirmative Action Ban in State Constitution Violates US Constitution (8-7) Read More »

A Closer Look at Results-Focused Education

We sat down and had a conversation with our good friend Jeff Herzberg at Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency (PLAEA) about ROWE and education. We trained PLAEA’s pilot team through a Beyond Telework Workshop and recently brought selected PLAEA employees through our Training Certification program.  Those certified internal trainers will now lead the entire agency into …

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New Report Reveals The Extent of For-Profit Colleges’ Corruption

Cutbacks in public technical school and university programs have created new opportunities for for-profit colleges, which have skillfully used public money to churn displaced workers and other students through their machinery, leaving them worse off than before, according to the findings of a two-year investigation of 30 for-profit colleges released this week by Sen. Tom …

New Report Reveals The Extent of For-Profit Colleges’ Corruption Read More »

Public education is a labor issue, even if you don’t care about teachers

This year’s students are the workers of five or 10 or 15 years from now. There’s an obvious statement for you, but it’s one that is too rarely considered in discussions of education policy as hedge funders and corporate billionaires try to claim the mantle of doing what’s right for kids, implying or saying straight …

Public education is a labor issue, even if you don’t care about teachers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.