Retail Giant to Cease Physical Abilities Testing Which Disproportionally Excluded Female Order Filler Applicants, Federal Agency Charged LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Walmart, Inc. will pay $20 million, stop using a pre-employment test, and furnish other relief to settle a companywide, sex-based hiring discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employ­ment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced …


Suggestions to the EEOC for Charge Intake and Processing

[Editor’s Note: The following is taken from Rick Seymour’s April 23, 2015 Comments to the EEOC on Charge Processing. It lists suggestions for improving EEOC practices in intake of charges. Changes to Mr. Seymour’s original article have been made to improve blog formatting and ease of access.] Suggestions for Charge Intake and Processing 1. Make it easy …

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Why Does the EEOC Make Mistakes (Part I)

Over the years, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has been routinely criticized by charging parties, plaintiffs’ attorneys, respondents, and attorneys for respondents, as to virtually every aspect of the Commission’s activities including the filing, investigation, and conciliation of charges, and the Commission’s litigation. The courts have added their voices to the criticisms by charging …

Why Does the EEOC Make Mistakes (Part I) Read More »

Unemployed Can’t Get Jobs Because They Are…Unemployed

As if finding a job isn’t hard enough, unemployed workers now face the added hurdle of being discriminated against because they don’t have a job. Speaking today before the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project (NELP),  said that practices barring the unemployed from job availabilities …

Unemployed Can’t Get Jobs Because They Are…Unemployed Read More »

Employee Rights Short Takes: Scalia’s Impartiality Questioned, Two Punitive Damage Awards, Disability Discrimination And More

Here are a few employee rights Short Takes worth noting: Scalia Says Due Process Clause Does Not Prohibit Sex Discrimination For those who may have missed it, Justice Antonin Scalia recently expressed his view that neither women nor gays are protected against discrimination under the 14th amendment of the Constitution. The statement was made in …

Employee Rights Short Takes: Scalia’s Impartiality Questioned, Two Punitive Damage Awards, Disability Discrimination And More Read More »

Employee Rights Short Takes: Race Discrimination, 5.8 Milllion Dollar Verdict, Breach of Contract Damages And More

Here are a few short takes about some employment cases worth noting this month: EEOC Files Lawsuit Against Kaplan Higher Education Corp. Claiming Race Discrimination The EEOC announced last week that it filed a class action race discrimination case against Kaplan Higher Education Corp. The suit alleges that since at least 2008, Kaplan rejected applicants …

Employee Rights Short Takes: Race Discrimination, 5.8 Milllion Dollar Verdict, Breach of Contract Damages And More Read More »

Defense Attorneys Make Excuses, But the Outcome is the Same

When attending the American Constitution Society’s panel following the release of Schwab and Clermont’s seminal report, Employment Discrimination Plaintiffs in Federal Court: From Bad to Worse?, I was expecting the defense representative on the panel to attempt to explain away the results (even in the midst of what has to be silent glee that their …

Defense Attorneys Make Excuses, But the Outcome is the Same Read More »

Who You Gonna Call?

When you think you’ve suffered from discrimination or harassment at work, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is supposed to be there to protect your rights as a worker. But your experience with the EEOC can be shaped by the very first phone call. Right now, the EEOC is scrambling to cover the phones which …

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.