
Democrats have the House. They should use it to show how they’ll fight back in the war on workers

Winning the House doesn’t just let Democrats block some of the worst things Donald Trump wants from Congress. It also offers a chance to show what Democrats would do if they had the chance. For years Democrats have been introducing great legislation that Republicans would never allow to even come to a vote. Now is …

Democrats have the House. They should use it to show how they’ll fight back in the war on workers Read More »

Labor-Backed Candidates Win Big in Tuesday’s Elections

It was a big night for labor’s agenda as pro-worker candidates won election from coast to coast Tuesday. In Virginia, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam handily defeated Ed Gillespie as AFL-CIO-endorsed candidates won throughout the commonwealth. Virginia AFL-CIO President Doris Crouse-Mays hailed the victories: “Today, Virginia’s voters turned out in record numbers to stand with working people and reject …

Labor-Backed Candidates Win Big in Tuesday’s Elections Read More »

U.S. Pressure Needed to Make Honduran Elections Free and Fair

On Sunday, Nov. 24, Hondurans will vote in national elections for president, legislators and local governments. The last elections in Honduras, in November 2009, were run by the de facto government that took office after the June 2009 coup and the electoral process was tainted by severe limits on civil liberties and low levels of participation. Candidates …

U.S. Pressure Needed to Make Honduran Elections Free and Fair Read More »

Wal-Mart Warehouse Workers Fight for the Future of Work

Workers responsible for moving an estimated $1 trillion worth of goods a year through the global economy are paid low wages, often denied breaks and basic protective gear, and are employed primarily through temp agencies. Outside the largest Walmart distribution center in the country, moving the products of the world’s largest private employer, a group …

Wal-Mart Warehouse Workers Fight for the Future of Work Read More »

President Of Florida-Based Company Threatens To Fire Employees If Romney Loses

 With fewer than 72 hours before polls begin to close, another report has emerged of a company owner strongly urging his employees to vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama, claiming that their jobs are potentially on the line if Obama wins re-election. Cliff Otto, president of the Florida-based Saddle Creek Corporation, circulated an email …

President Of Florida-Based Company Threatens To Fire Employees If Romney Loses Read More »

AFL-CIO Head Trumka: Romney ‘sure doesn’t know anything about coal mining’

The United Mine Workers of America is sitting out this presidential race as Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama battle over parts of coal country. But former UMWA president and current AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka spoke to the press Monday not just as an advocate for all workers but from the perspective of a third-generation …

AFL-CIO Head Trumka: Romney ‘sure doesn’t know anything about coal mining’ Read More »

In Conference Call, Romney Urged Businesses To Tell Their Employees How to Vote

In a June 6, 2012 conference call posted on the anti-union National Federation of Independent Business’s website, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney instructed employers to tell their employees how to vote in the upcoming election.   Romney was addressing  a group of self-described “small-business owners.” Twenty-six minutes into the call, after making a lengthy case that President Obama’s first term …

In Conference Call, Romney Urged Businesses To Tell Their Employees How to Vote Read More »

Election About Jobs, Not Republican Mandate

Last night’s election, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters today in a conference call, “was about jobs, plain and simple. It was a mandate to fix the economy and create jobs. But here’s what it wasn’t”: It wasn’t a mandate for the policies most Republicans campaigned on. An election night survey of voters in 100 …

Election About Jobs, Not Republican Mandate Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.