Employee Free Choice Act

Employee Free Choice supporters blast Rite Aid with new report on company’s union busting at West Coast warehouse

Supporters urging passage of the Employee Free Choice Act took to the streets on Monday, August 10 to back warehouse workers at Rite Aid’s massive distribution center in Lancaster, California. They released a new Jobs with Justice report about how management there has aggressively interfered in workers’ freedom to form a union. The 12-page report: …

Employee Free Choice supporters blast Rite Aid with new report on company’s union busting at West Coast warehouse Read More »

SEIU Demands Corporate Lobbyists Take Down Deceptive Ads on Employee Free Choice Act

Today the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) sent letters to television stations in Nebraska and Arkansas demanding that deceptive ads about the Employee Free Choice Act be taken down immediately. The ads are paid for by the Employee Freedom Action Committee (EFAC), the political action committee of anti-worker front group Center for Union Facts. Said …

SEIU Demands Corporate Lobbyists Take Down Deceptive Ads on Employee Free Choice Act Read More »

Business Professors: Employee Free Choice Act Good for the Economy

Two top business experts have taken to the pages of Business Week to make the case for the Employee Free Choice Act. Paul Adler, a professor at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, and Donald Palmer, an associate dean and professor at the University of California-Davis, say corporate hostility to …

Business Professors: Employee Free Choice Act Good for the Economy Read More »

Union Busting Ended My Love Affair with a Beer

Over many years, I have developed an intimate relationship with the sweet, lager taste of Yuengling Black & Tan. After moving to the cutthroat world of Washington, D.C. politics, I found that Yuengling always comforted me with memories of my working class roots and the world of flannel hunting jackets, wedding receptions at union halls, …

Union Busting Ended My Love Affair with a Beer Read More »

Why Does Chamber of Commerce Favor Arbitration for Workplace Rape Victims, But Oppose It for Union Workers?

Yesterday, the union movement ramped up its attacks on the Chamber of Commerce over its “two-faced” approach to the Employee Free Choice Act’s provision requiring arbitration if a business won’t bargain in good faith after a union’s been chosen by workers. As the AFL-CIO Now blog observed: The latest Big Business tactic is to attack …

Why Does Chamber of Commerce Favor Arbitration for Workplace Rape Victims, But Oppose It for Union Workers? Read More »

Corporate Hypocrisy on Bargaining Highlights Need for Employee Free Choice

The misleading attacks by Big Business on the Employee Free Choice Act now are aimed at the provision that would guarantee that workers can get a fair first contract. Their scare tactics are not only misleading, they’re hypocritical. Right now, workers lack a legal means to ensure they get a fair first contract. Recent research …

Corporate Hypocrisy on Bargaining Highlights Need for Employee Free Choice Read More »

As Chamber Lobbies, Its Paid Expert Says: No Unions, No Minimum Wage Law Needed

This week, the Chamber of Commerce launches its most forceful lobbying effort yet to kill the Employee Free Choice Act and to end talk of compromise on Capitol Hill. The Chamber is donning the masquerade of championing workers’ rights by railing over the myth that the bill would take away the secret ballot — it …

As Chamber Lobbies, Its Paid Expert Says: No Unions, No Minimum Wage Law Needed Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.