equal pay

Republicans Dismiss Equal Pay Efforts While Touting Their Outreach to Women

Republicans are mounting a counteroffensive against Equal Pay Day, the Paycheck Fairness Act, and indeed the very notion that equal pay is a serious issue. Since you can’t straight-up admit to opposing equal pay, the substance of the Republican counteroffensive is essentially this: We support equal pay. Just not any efforts to actually make it a reality. …

Republicans Dismiss Equal Pay Efforts While Touting Their Outreach to Women Read More »

Unemployment: Why Won’t Congress Talk About It!?

An interesting look at the unemployment rate. “What is currently a temporary long-term unemployment problem runs the risk of morphing into a permanent and costly increase in the unemployment rate” unless Congress takes action to create jobs.  Why the Unemployment Rate Is So High – New York Times Unemployment claims have increased slightly. “The Labor …

Unemployment: Why Won’t Congress Talk About It!? Read More »

Employers: Be Careful What You Wish For – Your Motion to Compel Arbitration Can Lead to Expensive, Class-Wide Arbitration

In the wake of ATT Mobility v. Concepcion and Stolt-Nielsen v. AnimalFeeds,* many employers have sought to enact new arbitration agreements or to enforce arbitration provisions in older agreements to eliminate their employees’ ability to come together when seeking to vindicate their rights to enforce statutory protections for workers. Employers should be careful what they wish for, in …

Employers: Be Careful What You Wish For – Your Motion to Compel Arbitration Can Lead to Expensive, Class-Wide Arbitration Read More »

McDonald’s Urges Franchises to Open on Christmas Day … Without Overtime Pay

In November McDonald’s saw a 2.5 percent increase in November sales. This is after the fast food giant saw a decrease in sales of 2.2 percent in October. So why was there increase in sales? Was the pork-like substitute McRib back? Was there a shortage of Ore-Ida french fries in your local grocer’s freezer causing …

McDonald’s Urges Franchises to Open on Christmas Day … Without Overtime Pay Read More »

How “Right to Work Shirk” Laws Kill Jobs – and Hurt All of Us

Michigan’s recent battle makes this a good time to explain the union movement’s important role in our economy’s overall health. We’re about to explain why today’s war on unions is bad for all of us, no matter what we do for a living, and we’ll do it in four steps. But first a word about …

How “Right to Work Shirk” Laws Kill Jobs – and Hurt All of Us Read More »

Women Haven’t Gained A Larger Share Of Corporate Board Seats In Seven Years

In addition to grappling with a persistent pay gap, working women also have to deal with extreme difficulty ascending to powerful corporate positions, according to a report by the research organization Catalyst. As Bryce Covert explained at The Nation: Women held just over 14 percent of executive officer positions at Fortune 500 companies this year and …

Women Haven’t Gained A Larger Share Of Corporate Board Seats In Seven Years Read More »

Favoritism at Work: How to Respond When Unequal Treatment Impacts Your Productivity and Satisfaction

We all grew up watching the teacher’s pet get the most attention. In the workplace we see people compete to warm up to the boss at an Olympic level. Favoritism in the office not only impacts our sense of fairness, it creates inequality in responsibility. Worse, it can breed resentment and lead to serious consequences. …

Favoritism at Work: How to Respond When Unequal Treatment Impacts Your Productivity and Satisfaction Read More »

Certificates can help boost pay. More if you’re a man, of course.

For some high school graduates looking to get some more education and increase their income, or for people with college degrees looking to retrain into a new field, a certificate can be a good alternative to an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. But like just about everything else, certificates pay off less for women than for …

Certificates can help boost pay. More if you’re a man, of course. Read More »

Fair Pay Act Would Bring Equal Pay for Equal Work

Yesterday, equal rights advocates marked Equal Pay Day to remind the nation that women are paid  just 80 cents for every dollar men earn, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) introduced the Fair Pay Act of 2011 that would ensure that employers provide equal pay for jobs that are equivalent in skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions. …

Fair Pay Act Would Bring Equal Pay for Equal Work Read More »

Join March 29 Rally to Support Wal-Mart Women

Hundreds of people will show their support outside the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday, when the High Court hears oral arguments in what could become the largest class-action civil rights suit in U.S. history. The Stand with the Women of Wal-Mart rally will take place as the nation’s highest court hears arguments on Wal-Mart v. Dukes …

Join March 29 Rally to Support Wal-Mart Women Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.