Essential Worker

This pandemic-year Thanksgiving, think hard about the system that has workers on the job today

Every Thanksgiving, people across the United States gather with their family and friends to celebrate and eat and be with their loved ones. And at the same time, people across the United States are at work—maybe having rescheduled their holiday meal around their work and maybe having given up the celebration entirely.  Well, this year is …

This pandemic-year Thanksgiving, think hard about the system that has workers on the job today Read More »

‘We went from being essential to being sacrificial, all for the sake of the bottom line’

How much rage have you got left after four years of Donald Trump and nine months of coronavirus pandemic? Please set aside some to direct at the United States’ largest retail companies for their treatment of their workers. A Brookings Institution report shows how 13 of the nation’s 20 largest retail chains, with a combined …

‘We went from being essential to being sacrificial, all for the sake of the bottom line’ Read More »

Companies are getting creative to pay workers as little as they can get away with in the pandemic

Unemployment remains high, Republicans allowed expanded unemployment benefits to expire, and retail companies are using that desperation to get vulnerable people to risk their health or their lives for low, low wages. Early on in the pandemic, many retail chains paid their workers some amount of hazard pay. It was usually an inadequate amount and …

Companies are getting creative to pay workers as little as they can get away with in the pandemic Read More »

Pandemic on course to overwhelm U.S. health system before Biden takes office

The United States’ surging coronavirus outbreak is on pace to hit nearly 1 million new cases a week by the end of the year — a scenario that could overwhelm health systems across much of the country and further complicatePresident-elect Joe Biden’s attempts to coordinate a response. Biden, who is naming his own coronavirus task …

Pandemic on course to overwhelm U.S. health system before Biden takes office Read More »

Health and Safety Standards for Frontline Healthcare Workers

America’s frontline healthcare workers have rightly been called our country’s real superheroes. But the truth is that the US healthcare system is falling far short in its obligation to protect these essential workers in the face of the worst global pandemic in more than a century. A Failure to Protect It should perhaps come as …

Health and Safety Standards for Frontline Healthcare Workers Read More »

Latinas are getting slammed in the COVID-19 economy, this week in the war on workers

Latina Equal Pay Day was this week, and if it’s not bad enough that it took this long for Latinas to be paid as much as white men made in 2019, the coronavirus pandemic is dumping additional bad news on them. Women are dropping out of the workforce in large numbers, but Latinas are dropping out in …

Latinas are getting slammed in the COVID-19 economy, this week in the war on workers Read More »

Amazon Expects Its Employees to Operate Like Fast-Moving Machines. This Amazon Picker Is Fighting Back.

For Sean Carlisle (a pseu­do­nym) a 32-year-old grad­u­ate stu­dent and native of California’s Inland Empire, the last three years at his local Ama­zon ful­fill­ment cen­ter have been an edu­ca­tion. As a stu­dent of urban plan­ning, he stud­ies how built envi­ron­ments shape a community’s behav­ior. As a pick­er, he packs items at a break­neck pace amid stacks of inven­to­ry and snaking …

Amazon Expects Its Employees to Operate Like Fast-Moving Machines. This Amazon Picker Is Fighting Back. Read More »

Meet the Warehouse Worker Who Took On Amazon Over Inhumane Conditions and Harassment

Hibaq Mohamed has worked for Ama­zon near­ly as long as she’s been in the Unit­ed States. In 2016, the twen­ty-some­thing Soma­li immi­grant land­ed in Min­neso­ta by way of a refugee camp, join­ing one of the largest East African com­mu­ni­ties in the coun­try. She soon joined the legion of work­ers who fuel the state’s main Ama­zon facil­i­ty, the …

Meet the Warehouse Worker Who Took On Amazon Over Inhumane Conditions and Harassment Read More »

OSHA Is Failing Essential Workers. Why Not Let Them Sue Their Bosses?

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States early this year, frontline workers in sectors deemed “essential” have staged hundreds of strikes, sickouts and other job actions to protest unsafe working conditions. At hospitals, warehouses, meat processing plants, fast-food restaurants, transport and delivery services, and retail and grocery stores, workers have demanded their employers do …

OSHA Is Failing Essential Workers. Why Not Let Them Sue Their Bosses? Read More »

Essential workers still lack essential protections

The United States played fast and loose with the health of essential workers during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, and the push to reopen businesses despite surging COVID-19 infections is no different. Essential workers and advocacy groups that represent them are calling for stronger health and safety protections, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Ro Khanna …

Essential workers still lack essential protections Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.