Essential Worker

Unpaid Prison Barber Made to Work During Covid Says, “We Aren’t Properly Disinfecting Anything”

Each morning at 8:30, Ron begins trimming hair and beards at a barber shop from hell. As soon as he walks in, someone is waiting for a cut in a little plastic chair. Over the course of the next three hours, he flies through about 35 cuts, and another 35 in the afternoon, alongside several …

Unpaid Prison Barber Made to Work During Covid Says, “We Aren’t Properly Disinfecting Anything” Read More »

Trump Administration Quietly Adds Foreign Arms Sale to List of “Essential Work”

Buried on the 18th page of a recently updated federal government memo defining which workers are critical during the Covid-19 pandemic is a new category of essential workers: defense industry personnel employed in foreign arms sales.  The memo, issued April 17, is a revised version of statements issued by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and …

Trump Administration Quietly Adds Foreign Arms Sale to List of “Essential Work” Read More »

Being an “Essential Worker” Won’t Save You From Deportation

Legions of undocumented immigrants in the United States carry letters signed by their employers stating that President Donald Trump’s administration considers them essential workers amid the pandemic. While these letters exempt them from being arrested by local agents for violating stay-at-home orders, these workers could still be detained and deported by federal authorities. José (a …

Being an “Essential Worker” Won’t Save You From Deportation Read More »

Essential workers speak out on the unsafe conditions they face

For all the talk about how they’re heroes, too many essential workers still aren’t feeling valued in the ways that matter: protections for their health and safety. A new study of essential workers in western Massachusetts—a region with two cities among the highest COVID-19 death rates in the country—finds that 51% said they don’t feel safe …

Essential workers speak out on the unsafe conditions they face Read More »

Koch-Funded Think Tanks Are Lobbying to Send Workers to Their Deaths

It’s no mystery what will happen if we rush to reopen the economy and send people back to work before epidemiologists say it is safe to do so. A model produced in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in March projected a worst-case scenario of 1.7 million Americans killed. Another estimate by the Imperial College …

Koch-Funded Think Tanks Are Lobbying to Send Workers to Their Deaths Read More »

Trader Joe’s Said I Was ‘Essential’—Safety Concerns Made Me Quit

I quit my job this month. No, not the well-paying NGO summer position; that was canceled weeks ago. Not the paid internship either; my boss hasn’t returned my emails or sent me back pay for the past month. I decided to let go of my last source of income because Trader Joe’s didn’t appear to …

Trader Joe’s Said I Was ‘Essential’—Safety Concerns Made Me Quit Read More »

Bosses can make essential workers exposed to COVID-19 keep working, this week in the war on workers

The Centers for Disease Control gave employers the go-ahead to make essential workers who’ve been exposed to COVID-19 keep working right up until they get sick. That’s despite the well-established risk of transmission from people who don’t have symptoms. Under the policy, exposed workers should wear a mask and companies should clean and disinfect a …

Bosses can make essential workers exposed to COVID-19 keep working, this week in the war on workers Read More »

Grocery Store Workers Need Frontline Protections

Grocery store workers, like healthcare workers, first responders, and transportation workers, are currently among those deemed “essential” workers during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. And, indeed, they have always been essential: they help provide the food and supplies necessary to sustain us all. But of all the frontline workers whose work puts them in contact with …

Grocery Store Workers Need Frontline Protections Read More »

Hospital Food Workers and Janitors Are Stuck In a “Death Trap”

The hospital where Kim Smith works is supposed to be a “safe haven,” says the patient care technician at Northwestern Memorial in Chicago. But now she feels it has become a “death trap.” Like the nurses and doctors nationwide who are risking their lives to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, Smith says she’s glad to help …

Hospital Food Workers and Janitors Are Stuck In a “Death Trap” Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.