Family and Medical Leave Act

The insidious deception that is “employment at will”

Employers, don’t get played. “This is an employment-at-will state, and I can fire you for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all.” Oh, yeah? Technically, this is true in almost every state, but employers should not count on employment at will as their only defense in an unlawful discharge case. Why? …

The insidious deception that is “employment at will” Read More »

How Does FMLA Work and What Should I Know About Hiring Minors for Seasonal Work?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) gives eligible employees up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave each year. In addition, employers must maintain employees’ group health benefits during the leave as if employees continued to work instead of taking leave.  Also, employees are also entitled to return to their same or an equivalent job …

How Does FMLA Work and What Should I Know About Hiring Minors for Seasonal Work? Read More »

Kamala Harris goes big and bold with proposal for six months of paid family leave

Sen. Kamala Harris is offering up an expansive new paid family leave proposal. Harris had previously co-sponsored the FAMILY Act, which would provide three months of paid family leave—but now she’s calling for six months. Harris’ plan also calls for families with incomes under $75,000 to get full income replacement, with higher earners getting a …

Kamala Harris goes big and bold with proposal for six months of paid family leave Read More »

Oregon passes nation’s strongest paid family leave law

Oregon just became the eighth state to pass a paid family leave law—and it did so with the best such law in the country, a month after Connecticut passed what was then considered the best family leave law. After the bill passed the state Senate in a bipartisan 21 to six vote, Gov. Kate Brown signed it …

Oregon passes nation’s strongest paid family leave law Read More »

Can an employee on FMLA leave from work attend a night concert?

A federal court in Texas has dismissed a claim of FMLA discrimination and retaliation by a woman who was fired after attending a Beyoncé concert while she was on personal medical leave. The railroad employee claimed that the company interfered with her rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act and illegally terminated her. The …

Can an employee on FMLA leave from work attend a night concert? Read More »

Paid Family Leave: One More Great Democratic Idea Republicans Will Block

Family leave is one of the many ways the United States lags behind its peers on workers’ rights, but Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) aim to change that. The two Democrats are pushing the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act, which would create a national insurance system allowing workers paid leave time to …

Paid Family Leave: One More Great Democratic Idea Republicans Will Block Read More »

Why You Should Know Your Rights Under FMLA

There is a common misconception that the Family and Medical Leave Act only include provisions that apply to pregnancy and childbirth. In fact, there are many scenarios that working people face which could benefit from leave guaranteed under FMLA laws. It is important for all workers to be aware of FMLA and what it covers, …

Why You Should Know Your Rights Under FMLA Read More »

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Gets It Right: ‘The United States Is In The Dark Ages When It Comes To Maternity Leave’

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly returned to work yesterday after three months of maternity leave, and during her first show, she pummeled shock radio host Mike Gallagher, who back in May called Kelly’s maternity leave “a racket” that was “unbelievable.” Kelly not only took Gallagher to task for poo-pooing the notion that women should be able …

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Gets It Right: ‘The United States Is In The Dark Ages When It Comes To Maternity Leave’ Read More »

Family Leave Politics Move Toward Workplace Fairness and LGBT Equality

When a child is sick, the last thing a parent should be worried about is her next paycheck. Yet that’s the perverse dilemma that besets millions of workers in an economy that’s radically out of sync with the rhythms of modern family life. Activists are working to ease the strain by making the option of …

Family Leave Politics Move Toward Workplace Fairness and LGBT Equality Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.