Farm Workers

Supreme Court’s E-Verify Decision Devastating for Employers, Immigrant Workers

Immigrants rights advocates and employers, including farmers, are lashing out at the Supreme Court’s May 26 decision upholding Arizona’s right to demand employers use the controversial e-Verify system, which is meant to confirm whether someone is in the country legally. The decision also allowed Arizona to continue the so-called “business death penalty,” which entails denying …

Supreme Court’s E-Verify Decision Devastating for Employers, Immigrant Workers Read More »

On the Border and in the Fields, Dying from the Heat

On Wednesday July 14, California legislators were debating whether the state’s five-year-old heat safety regulations are strong enough to protect the  650,000 farm workers who harvest the bulk of the nation’s fruit and vegetables in temperatures that regularly climb over 100 degrees. As the legislators ruminated from the safety of their air-conditioned chambers, 54-year-old Rodolfo …

On the Border and in the Fields, Dying from the Heat Read More »

Labor Secretary Reverses Bush’s Attack on Farmworker Labor Laws

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will suspend the midnight Bush Administration changes to weaken labor protections in the nation’s agricultural guestworker program. The changes to the H-2A guestworker program took effect January 17, 2009, and have had a dramatic impact on wages and working conditions for agricultural workers under the program. In a notice to be …

Labor Secretary Reverses Bush’s Attack on Farmworker Labor Laws Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.