Free Trade

How the Canadians Are Trying to Use NAFTA to Raise Your Wage

Finally, after nearly a quarter of a century, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is being renegotiated. This is a good thing. NAFTA is called a “trade deal,” but it’s mostly a collection of rules that give corporations more power over the three economies of North America. It gives companies tools to undermine laws and rules that protect America’s working …

How the Canadians Are Trying to Use NAFTA to Raise Your Wage Read More »

Trump Nominates Non-Free-Trader Robert Lighthizer to Trade Office

President-“elect” Donald Trump today announced his nomination of Robert Lighthizer for the cabinet-level office of US Trade Representative (USTR). Lighthizer, who served as deputy USTR under President Ronald Reagan, is known for criticizing Republican “free trade” ideology. Before serving in the Reagan administration he was chief of staff for the Senate Finance Committee. Lightizer’s nomination …

Trump Nominates Non-Free-Trader Robert Lighthizer to Trade Office Read More »

6 Ways We Could Improve NAFTA for Working People

 For years we’ve talked about the shortcomings of the North American Free Trade Agreement (we even released this detailed report on its 20th anniversary) and how trade deals created behind closed doors with corporate CEOs harm working people. Today we released a blueprint for how to rewrite NAFTA to benefit working families. This past election there …

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On Trade, Our Choices Aren’t Only Xenophobic Nationalism Or Neoliberal Globalization

Few issues are receiving a more insipid—and thus more harmful—treatment in our public discourse than world trade.  Along with immigration, “free trade” is now the foremost symbol of a supposed either/or choice between globalism and nationalism. “Globalists” generally hail the liberal marketplace as the engine of economic prosperity and assail its critics as uneducated and irrational …

On Trade, Our Choices Aren’t Only Xenophobic Nationalism Or Neoliberal Globalization Read More »

Senate Votes To Fast-Track Jobs Out, More Corporate Power In

A majority in the Senate today took sides against working families and with Wall Street and the multinationals, voting 60-37 to grant the executive branch fast-track trade promotion authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and future trade deals. “This is a day of celebration in the corporate suites to be sure,” said Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) …

Senate Votes To Fast-Track Jobs Out, More Corporate Power In Read More »

Strike in Colombia Highlights Free Trade Failure

There is a big strike in Colombia, and you probably don’t know about it. Farmers and others are protesting over a variety of grievances including the devastating effect of free-trade agreements, privatization and inequality-driven poverty. Corporate-owned American media is not covering it. These trade agreements make the really rich really richer while outsourcing jobs to …

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Time to Wield the Foreign Policy Stick

China apologizes for violating international trade regulations, then continues to violate them. America beseeches China to stop manipulating its currency, then China allows the value to increase a completely insignificant amount. America simply accepts the abuse. In his meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao this week, President Obama must announce that America is done with soft talk. Obama needs to tell Hu that America has heard enough promises; the United States is bucking up and pulling out that big stick that Teddy Roosevelt carried in foreign policy negotiations.

WTO Ruling Shows Trade Law Can Work for Workers

A World Trade Organization (WTO) panel’s ruling in favor of U.S. tariffs on passenger and light truck tires made in China shows “the rules of trade, when vigorously enforced, can be made to work for working people,” United Steelworkers (USW) President Leo Gerard said. In September 2009, President Obama became the first president to enforce U.S. …

WTO Ruling Shows Trade Law Can Work for Workers Read More »

Class Warfare and Korea “Free Trade”: An Open Letter to UAW, My Union

So-called “free trade” is part of the relentless class warfare under way in America. And the so-called “free trade” deal with South Korea is no exception. That said, a lot of the shallow criticism of the UAW’s support for the deal is–well, shallow. Here’s my view about how we should engage the UAW–my union–via an …

Class Warfare and Korea “Free Trade”: An Open Letter to UAW, My Union Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.