Green jobs

Only Bernie’s Green New Deal Answers Greta’s Call for Action

In a bit of reverse parenting, the young climate strikers are teaching the rest of us an embarrassingly obvious lesson in moral clarity and courage. Mobilizing more than 7 million people across 185 countries September 20–27—with about 1,000 actions in the United States alone—youth struck a thunderous blow against adults’ insane intransigence regarding our climate meltdown. Students …

Only Bernie’s Green New Deal Answers Greta’s Call for Action Read More »

Every American Should Be Guaranteed a Job. The Green New Deal Could Make That Happen.

fed•er•al jobs guar•an•tee noun 1. A government policy to provide a job for anyone who wants one We’ve been talking about this for a while, right? Yes! President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a “second Bill of Rights” in his 1944 State of the Union, a list of economic and social rights including “the right to a …

Every American Should Be Guaranteed a Job. The Green New Deal Could Make That Happen. Read More »

“Hardhats vs. Hippies”: How the Media Misrepresents the Debate Over the Green New Deal

A recent Politico article about the Green New Deal resolution put forward in February by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) features many grumblings from blue-collar union members about the potential economic disruption and the loss of jobs—even though the resolution calls for union rights and a federal jobs guarantee for workers. The article opens …

“Hardhats vs. Hippies”: How the Media Misrepresents the Debate Over the Green New Deal Read More »

Workers Want a Green Economy, Not a Dirty Environment

To justify withdrawing from the Paris climate change accord, President Trump said during his press conference yesterday, “I was elected to represent the city of Pittsburgh, not Paris.” From terrible experience, Pittsburghers know about pollution. Before Pittsburgh’s renaissance, the streetlights Downtown frequently glowed at noon to illuminate sidewalks through the darkness of smoke and soot …

Workers Want a Green Economy, Not a Dirty Environment Read More »

Labor Dept. Announces $100 Million in Green Jobs Training Grants

(Video transcript) Big news out of the Labor Department today — they awarded $100 million in grants to programs training workers for the green jobs of the future: Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced nearly $100 million in green jobs training grants, as authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 …

Labor Dept. Announces $100 Million in Green Jobs Training Grants Read More »

The Lesson of Pittsburgh for G-20: Manufacturing Matters

The revival of Pittsburgh, site of the G-20 summit this week, can provide valuable lessons for the world’s leaders. Among them: Manufacturing matters and poor trade policies hurt everyone. “Pittsburgh, G-20 and the New Economy: Lessons to Learn, Choices to Make,” a report released today by the Campaign for America’s Future (CAF), makes clear that …

The Lesson of Pittsburgh for G-20: Manufacturing Matters Read More »

'Green Jobs' Aren't Growing Quickly at Republic Factory in Chicago

Workers from the former Republic Windows and Doors factory hope weatherization incentives will help them get their jobs back. The phrase “green jobs” has been thrown out right and left recently, with everything from urban farming to building wind turbines and solar panels to producing plain old insulation described as a “green job.” When the …

'Green Jobs' Aren't Growing Quickly at Republic Factory in Chicago Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.