health care

Honoring Paul Wellstone’s Legacy: Fighting Like Hell for Health Care Reform

I had the rare privilege of meeting one of my heroes, Paul Wellstone, shortly before his death in 2002 when I visited Washington as part of a conference for high school students interested in politics. We had the opportunity to meet several senators during our time in Washington, but Paul Wellstone treated us differently — …

Honoring Paul Wellstone’s Legacy: Fighting Like Hell for Health Care Reform Read More »

HCAN’s Health Care ’09 Rally Was a Huge Success

The organization Health Care for American Now (HCAN) invited thousands of health care supporters from around the country to DC to lobby their Members of Congress for real health reform on Thursday, June 25.  According to Jason Rosenbaum from HCAN’s blog, “10,000 people from just about every state in the Union came to DC. People …

HCAN’s Health Care ’09 Rally Was a Huge Success Read More »

Congress Hears Demands for Health Care Reform in Town Hall Meetings

Members of Congress met in town hall sessions Thursday with constituents who were on Capitol Hill to rally and demand health care reform. Read dispatches from some of the meetings. —————– Ohio Weighs In After the rally, more than 250 activists from Ohio met at the Columbus Club at Union Station to plan for an …

Congress Hears Demands for Health Care Reform in Town Hall Meetings Read More »

Small Business Owners and Support for the Public Option

Republican opponents of serious health reform like Senator Mitch McConnell love to claim that a public option would hurt small business owners. On the ground, though, the picture is more complex and, if anything, the opposite. Small business owners are suffering under the current system, and many of them strongly support health reform that includes …

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Washington Post Makes Up Competition In the Insurance Market

It’s amazing how far the conservative Washington Post editorial board will go to deny the fact. Here is the blatant falsehood from their editorial today (emphasis mine): More disappointing was Mr. Obama’s restated commitment to a public health insurance option as part of the array of available plans. A public plan is not necessary to …

Washington Post Makes Up Competition In the Insurance Market Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.