health care

Hospital Workers Fight Job Cuts at Duluth’s Biggest Employer

Our health care employer announced hundreds of unnecessary layoffs this spring. Outraged at its poorly disguised greed, we didn’t just rely on negotiations. Instead, the members of our union voted unanimously to take the fight to the streets and into the community. We spent the summer fighting back—including holding our local’s first-ever pickets. Essentia Health …

Hospital Workers Fight Job Cuts at Duluth’s Biggest Employer Read More »

How America Continues to Fail the Health Care Workers Battling the Pandemic

American Red Cross workers travel from one community to another conducting the blood drives that save countless lives in emergency departments and operating rooms. But they struggle to perform that vital work while keeping themselves safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many health care employers, the Red Cross fails to consistently follow social distancing and …

How America Continues to Fail the Health Care Workers Battling the Pandemic Read More »

Health providers’ scramble for staff and supplies reveals sharp disparities

Doctors, nurses and caregivers at smaller and poorer hospitals and medical facilities across the country are still struggling to obtain the protective gear, personnel and resources they need to fight the coronavirus despite President Donald Trump’s repeated assertions that the problems are solved. Health care workers at all types of facilities scrambled for scarce masks, …

Health providers’ scramble for staff and supplies reveals sharp disparities Read More »

Thousands of health workers lose jobs in COVID crisis, while major hospital chains get richer

Congress provided $100 billion in emergency funding to hospitals to respond to the coronavirus crisis in the CARES Act passed back in March. That was supposed to provide about $108,000 per hospital bed across the country, to help hospitals meet the resource gap they were experiencing and to ramp up infrastructure to meet the coming demand. The …

Thousands of health workers lose jobs in COVID crisis, while major hospital chains get richer Read More »

Democrats in Congress Should Rethink a Health Insurance Deal That Would Be Terrible for Many Americans

Congress must act decisively to ensure Americans get needed health care in the face of the novel coronavirus pandemic, both to promote public health and to reduce viral spread. But one Democratic proposal is a massive giveaway to private insurance companies with few redeeming qualities. This proposal would require the federal government to cover the full cost of …

Democrats in Congress Should Rethink a Health Insurance Deal That Would Be Terrible for Many Americans Read More »

What Workers Have Already Won in the Face of Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has laid bare the stark reality of the United States: our inadequate, for-profit health care system, our precarious employment conditions, and the deep inequality that is foundational to our society. But it’s also shown us that when things get dire enough, the working class fights back. Over the last few weeks, in …

What Workers Have Already Won in the Face of Coronavirus Read More »

Coronavirus Shows Capitalism Is a Razor’s Edge

My best friend works as a standardized patient, which means she is a practice patient for medical schools to train and test students. One day she’ll play an older woman with a pulmonary embolism, her face stricken with worry, the next someone with depression, limp and listless. Each workday medical students fumble at her bedside, …

Coronavirus Shows Capitalism Is a Razor’s Edge Read More »

Pelosi brokers deal with liberals on drug pricing bill

House Democratic leadership on Tuesday clinched a deal to win progressive leaders’ support for a sweeping drug pricing bill that could clear its path for passage in the full House on Thursday. The pact between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and progressive leaders includes an agreement to expand the government’s authority to directly negotiate drug prices under …

Pelosi brokers deal with liberals on drug pricing bill Read More »

Southern Workers Unite Around Medicare for All: “A Tremendous Liberation From Your Boss”

A line of cars rolls up to the government center of the largest city in a state tied with neighbor South Carolina for least unionized in the country. Members of the Southern Workers Assembly (SWA) emerge from the cars and join a picket line of Charlotte city workers. They hoist a banner declaring “The City Works Because …

Southern Workers Unite Around Medicare for All: “A Tremendous Liberation From Your Boss” Read More »

49,000 Striking Auto Workers Should Vote No on “Two-Tier.” Here’s Why.

Auto workers on strike since midnight at General Motors are between a rock and a hard place—a hugely profitable company making outrageous demands for concessions and a union leadership that made no plan for winning a strike and has not even told members what they’re going out for. Picket signs say simply “UAW on Strike.” …

49,000 Striking Auto Workers Should Vote No on “Two-Tier.” Here’s Why. Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.