health care

If health care shouldn’t be mandatory, let’s go after car insurance next

This week in a Pensacola, FL courtroom, lawyers representing the Attorney Generals of at least 19 states will argue about the recently passed national health insurance plan that requires all citizens to have health insurance. [BTW, this is a Workplace911 topic because the majority of funding of health care continues to come from the workplace] …

If health care shouldn’t be mandatory, let’s go after car insurance next Read More »

How Online Activists Ended Insurance Company Discrimination Against Women

Last year, we ran a story about Peggy Robertson of Colorado. Robertsons’ health insurer, a subsidiary of UnitedHealth, had required that she be sterilized to receive health insurance. Peggy later testified before a Senate HELP subcommittee on insurance company discrimination against women, and told her story to millions on ABC Nightly News and on YouTube. …

How Online Activists Ended Insurance Company Discrimination Against Women Read More »

Health Insurance Premiums Soar as New Polls Show Americans Want Reform

Recent polls show a majority of Americans want Congress to pass comprehensive health care reform now. And for good reason: There’s more news out this week about the enormous increases in health insurance premiums, according to a new report. A survey from Economist/YouGov released this week shows 53 percent of respondents support changes proposed by the …

Health Insurance Premiums Soar as New Polls Show Americans Want Reform Read More »

Republicans Aren’t Bringing a Health Reform Plan to the Summit Because They Don’t Want to Reform Health Care

Yesterday, Republican leaders finally confirmed that they weren’t going to bring a health care bill to the President’s summit tomorrow. Why? Because they don’t actually want to reform health care (emphasis added): The Senate GOP leadership is brushing off Dan Pfeiffer’s demand this morning that Republicans clarify whether they’ll produce a bill in advance of …

Republicans Aren’t Bringing a Health Reform Plan to the Summit Because They Don’t Want to Reform Health Care Read More »

Obama Releases Revised Health Care Reform Blueprint

President Obama this morning released his version of health care reform legislation that combines elements of the Senate and House bills passed late last year. The new plan was unveiled in preparation for Thursday’s televised bipartisan White House health care summit. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said working families “look foward” to moving the ball forward …

Obama Releases Revised Health Care Reform Blueprint Read More »

Middle Class Task Force Addresses Child Care, College Costs, Retirement Security

The White House Task Force on the Middle Class today announced several initiatives it says will help middle-class families afford soaring child care costs, care for their aging relatives, cope with the challenge of saving for retirement and pay for their children’s college tuition. President Obama says the measures will help “ease the burdens on …

Middle Class Task Force Addresses Child Care, College Costs, Retirement Security Read More »

Hyatt Continues Catching Flack over Fired Boston Workers

Hyatt’s efforts to woo fired housekeepers has been mostly unsuccessful, with only six taking up the hotelier’s offer of employment with the company that replaced them. Hyatt says the new jobs will extend their pay through 2010 and healthcare through May 2010. But workers aren’t buying the company’s efforts to assuage the public relations disaster …

Hyatt Continues Catching Flack over Fired Boston Workers Read More »

Big Unions Hail Healthcare Bill Passage, as Senate Challenge Begins

Union leaders joined President Obama in hailing the historic, if narrow, passage of major health reform legislation in the House this weekend. The bill “is a fiscally responsible bill that will cover 96 percent of Americans, end insurance company discrimination and denials of care and equip health care providers with the tools they need to …

Big Unions Hail Healthcare Bill Passage, as Senate Challenge Begins Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.