health insurance

Millions of U.S Workers for Walmart, McDonald’s and Other Corporate Giants Rely on Food Stamps and Medicaid

Mil­lions of full-time, adult work­ers in the Unit­ed States?—?many of them employed by Wal­mart, McDonald’s and oth­er high­ly prof­itable cor­po­ra­tions?—?are paid wages so low they’re forced to rely on pub­lic assis­tance to make ends meet.  That is the key find­ing of a new­ly released report by the non­par­ti­san Gov­ern­ment Account­abil­i­ty Office (GAO). Com­mis­sioned by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I?Vt.), the …

Millions of U.S Workers for Walmart, McDonald’s and Other Corporate Giants Rely on Food Stamps and Medicaid Read More »

Let’s set the record straight on unions this Labor Day

If your stereotype of a union worker is a white guy in a hard hat, let’s take this Labor Day to change that in a big way. Here’s the reality: 46.2% of union workers are women, and 36.1% are people of color. Black workers are the most likely to be represented by a union. More than half of …

Let’s set the record straight on unions this Labor Day Read More »

On Medicare and Medicaid’s 55th Birthday, Let’s Expand Benefits—Not Cut Them

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law. This crowning achievement was both the culmination of a decades-long effort to attain guaranteed universal health insurance and the first step in the quest for Medicare for All. In the 55 years since the legislation was signed into law, both programs have proven …

On Medicare and Medicaid’s 55th Birthday, Let’s Expand Benefits—Not Cut Them Read More »

Democrats in Congress Should Rethink a Health Insurance Deal That Would Be Terrible for Many Americans

Congress must act decisively to ensure Americans get needed health care in the face of the novel coronavirus pandemic, both to promote public health and to reduce viral spread. But one Democratic proposal is a massive giveaway to private insurance companies with few redeeming qualities. This proposal would require the federal government to cover the full cost of …

Democrats in Congress Should Rethink a Health Insurance Deal That Would Be Terrible for Many Americans Read More »

Coronavirus Shows Capitalism Is a Razor’s Edge

My best friend works as a standardized patient, which means she is a practice patient for medical schools to train and test students. One day she’ll play an older woman with a pulmonary embolism, her face stricken with worry, the next someone with depression, limp and listless. Each workday medical students fumble at her bedside, …

Coronavirus Shows Capitalism Is a Razor’s Edge Read More »

Trump’s new rule allows employers to drop birth control coverage with no oversight

New contraception rules outlined by the Trump administration will allow employers to stop covering birth control — with zero government oversight. The administration announced on Friday that, effective immediately, it was rolling back federal requirements introduced under the Obama administration which require employers to include birth control in their health insurance plans. Under the new …

Trump’s new rule allows employers to drop birth control coverage with no oversight Read More »

Foundry Workers Strike to Save Their Healthcare

Berkeley, Calif.—A strike of more than 450 workers in one of the largest foundries on the west coast brought production to a halt Sunday night, at Pacific Steel Castings.  The work stoppage, which began at midnight, has continued with round-the-clock picketing at the factory gates in West Berkeley. Local 164B of the Glass, Molders, Pottery, …

Foundry Workers Strike to Save Their Healthcare Read More »

NFL Lockout Could Cost $160 Million, 115,000 Jobs

If the National Football League owners lock out the players next season, not only will millions of fans not have games to watch on Sunday afternoon, but more than 115,000 jobs could be lost, according to a new study. The 32 NFL teams employ on average 3,739 people each, including players, concession workers and office …

NFL Lockout Could Cost $160 Million, 115,000 Jobs Read More »

If health care shouldn’t be mandatory, let’s go after car insurance next

This week in a Pensacola, FL courtroom, lawyers representing the Attorney Generals of at least 19 states will argue about the recently passed national health insurance plan that requires all citizens to have health insurance. [BTW, this is a Workplace911 topic because the majority of funding of health care continues to come from the workplace] …

If health care shouldn’t be mandatory, let’s go after car insurance next Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.