
“It’s good to know that at the end of the day you’ll have the help if you need it.”

Jerry Depeine is a single father of two and works as a dietary aide at a West Palm Beach, Fla., nursing home. Despite working in a healthcare setting, Depeine doesn’t have insurance since he cannot afford the plans his employer offers. For Depeine, getting sick often meant he’d have to miss more time from work …

“It’s good to know that at the end of the day you’ll have the help if you need it.” Read More »

Former Massachusetts Reform Head Warns HHS Not To Overreach On Essential Benefits

This morning, the Institute of Medicine began its second day of deliberations into defining what would constitute “essential health benefits” under the Affordable Care Act. Even though the law identifies general categories that insurers will have to cover beginning in 2014 — emergency services, mental health care, outpatient and inpatient care — these meetings are …

Former Massachusetts Reform Head Warns HHS Not To Overreach On Essential Benefits Read More »

The Biggest Lie of 2010, And What We Can Learn From It

Politifact, the fact-checking web site of the St. Petersburg Times, announced the biggest lie of 2010. But it doesn’t stop there, the NYTimes, and a number of other experts agree with Politifact’s analysis. The lie? That the government will be taking over health care. I’ll leave it to Politifact to debate the “why.” I’m …

The Biggest Lie of 2010, And What We Can Learn From It Read More »

If health care shouldn’t be mandatory, let’s go after car insurance next

This week in a Pensacola, FL courtroom, lawyers representing the Attorney Generals of at least 19 states will argue about the recently passed national health insurance plan that requires all citizens to have health insurance. [BTW, this is a Workplace911 topic because the majority of funding of health care continues to come from the workplace] …

If health care shouldn’t be mandatory, let’s go after car insurance next Read More »

What Health Reform Will Do for America – Two Examples

Two headlines today highlight glaring problems in our health care system that would be fixed if health reform passes. First, from Pennsylvania, the New York Times headlines “Big Insurance Rate Increase for Pennsylvania Poor”: Facing a sharp rise in costs, Pennsylvania has almost doubled the monthly bill for a state health insurance program for poor …

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The Working Class Has Spoken. Will Democrats Listen?

Massachusetts voters sent a strong signal to Washington lawmakers Tuesday that they want results—and aren’t seeing any. Not on health care reform, not on job creation and not on fixing the nation’s economy. Voters also sent another powerful message for Democrats: Ignore the working class at your peril. Some 79 percent of voters polled on …

The Working Class Has Spoken. Will Democrats Listen? Read More »

Insurance companies go before Kucinich panel

In a room filled almost to capacity with K street lobbyists and company lawyers, executives from the nation’s top six insurance providers testified before the Domestic Policy subcommittee during day two of the subcommittee’s hearings. While yesterday committee members heard from victims of insurance companies and industry whistleblowers who shared their disheartening stories of industry …

Insurance companies go before Kucinich panel Read More »

Baucus Bill Is Far Short of Real Health Care Reform

The Senate Finance Committee’s health care reform proposal released this morning falls far short of the comprehensive reform that would provide working families with the quality and affordable health they desperately need, say health care advocates. In a statement this morning, outgoing AFL-CIO President John Sweeney says the bill “fails to meet the most basic …

Baucus Bill Is Far Short of Real Health Care Reform Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.