
As Obama Speech Fires Up Base, Insurance CEOs Emerge As New ‘Villains’

(The following post is part of our Taking Back Labor Day blog series. Many people view Labor Day as just another day off from work, the end of summer, or a fine day for a barbecue. We think that it’s a holiday with a rich history, and an excellent occasion to examine what workers, and …

As Obama Speech Fires Up Base, Insurance CEOs Emerge As New ‘Villains’ Read More »

Healthcare Insurers: I Think the Appropriate Word is “Disturbing”

Washington Post’s Daily Dose Blog adds more fuel to the health care reform debate: You might have known that insurers can deny health coverage based on preexisting medical conditions, but here’s something else to worry about: They can take away the coverage you thought you had when actually need it, the government says. The Department …

Healthcare Insurers: I Think the Appropriate Word is “Disturbing” Read More »

Don’t Let Government Get Its Hands on Healthcare

According to Paul Krugman, that’s the unofficial rallying cry of the conservative opposition to health care reform. Across the country, much of the oxygen in the debate is sucked up by the tragic irony of Medicare recipients speaking out against a government takeover of health care. If the misinformation swamps our chances of overhauling the …

Don’t Let Government Get Its Hands on Healthcare Read More »

Finding Common Ground Between Public Option Advocates and Single Payer Advocates

A heated argument is going on about the right health insurance model between those those who believe in a public option and those who believe in single payer. Or perhaps I should say between those who are willing to take what they can get: public option; vs. those who want to hold out for what …

Finding Common Ground Between Public Option Advocates and Single Payer Advocates Read More »

Confusing the Terms of the Health Care Debate

Martin Feldstein, a brilliant conservative economist, has his facts wrong on the health care debate in an op-ed he penned today in the Washington Post. Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight concisely explains Feldstein’s error: Take a look at this: Obama has said that he would favor a British-style “single payer” system in which the government owns …

Confusing the Terms of the Health Care Debate Read More »

Kaiser Model Shows the Way to Improving Health Care Delivery

Using a combination of integrated, team-based care and technology, Kaiser Permanente of Southern California developed a Healthy Bones initiative that not only reduced fractures in the most at-risk patients by 37 percent, but lowered the care cost for the same patients by 30 percent. Similar Kaiser programs have reduced heart disease deaths and treatment costs …

Kaiser Model Shows the Way to Improving Health Care Delivery Read More »

Honoring Paul Wellstone’s Legacy: Fighting Like Hell for Health Care Reform

I had the rare privilege of meeting one of my heroes, Paul Wellstone, shortly before his death in 2002 when I visited Washington as part of a conference for high school students interested in politics. We had the opportunity to meet several senators during our time in Washington, but Paul Wellstone treated us differently — …

Honoring Paul Wellstone’s Legacy: Fighting Like Hell for Health Care Reform Read More »

Taxing Employer Health Benefits: The Poison Pill That Would Kill Health Care Reform

I was asked today to post a diary to Daily Kos written by my boss, Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa – it is beneath the fold. In this piece we are looking into the fact that a tax hike on health benefits to pay for health care reform is a bitter, bitter pill for …

Taxing Employer Health Benefits: The Poison Pill That Would Kill Health Care Reform Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.