Human Resources

The Role And Purpose of A PEO

What Are Professional Employer Organizations & What That Means For You As An Employee? Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) offer administrative support and management services. Simply put, a PEO acts on behalf of a client, similar to the employer of the workforce.Services can include HR management, recruiting, onboarding, payroll, and managing benefits, to name but a …

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HR Has Never Been on the Side of Workers. #MeToo Is More Proof.

After human resources was informed in 2014 that Emily Nestor, former front desk assistant for the Weinstein Company, was allegedly sexually harassed by Harvey Weinstein, company officials reportedly informed Nestor that any complaints would be directly reported to Weinstein himself.  And when Helen Donahue, a former Vice employee, complained to human resources in 2015 that …

HR Has Never Been on the Side of Workers. #MeToo Is More Proof. Read More »

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent

As Newswise reports, based on employee engagement research by Florida State University business school professor Wayne Hochwarter, recession-based uncertainty has encouraged many business leaders to pursue self-serving behaviors at the expense of those that are considered mutually beneficial or supportive of organizational goals. This plays out in behaviors that Hochwarter’s team classified using the biblical …

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent Read More »

Ten Game-Changing Strategies to Achieve Success and Find Greatness

Establish a strong identity and purpose. Your ethnic and cultural identity is a great asset. Amplify it as a competitive advantage. A strong identity reflects an appreciation of your uniqueness and its value. A strong identity grounds you; a well-defined purpose gives you the self-confidence to know you can choose your own path, rather than …

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Efficient At Your Job, Inefficient With Your People

Efficiency. If today’s workplace has a holy grail, chances are that it is summed up by the “E” word. Okay, I know what some of you are thinking, what about profitability? The days of being “inefficiently” profitable are over. If there is a “location, location, location” like mantra for being successful today, efficiency is undoubtedly …

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.