
Trump’s Bid to Pit Black and Brown Workers Against Each Other

President Trump has resurrected an old canard in his effort to sell a new effort to restrict immigration into the United States. The legislation he backs, he said at a White House ceremony, was necessary in part to protect “minority workers competing for jobs against brand-new arrivals” under the current immigration system. This theme is a …

Trump’s Bid to Pit Black and Brown Workers Against Each Other Read More »

Trump’s Immigration Gag Order

Like many employment lawyers in California, I’ve represented a number of undocumented immigrant workers in lawsuits against their employers. Some of my undocumented clients had been sexually harassed, some discriminated against because of their ethnicity, and some had been denied minimum wages for performing menial work. Of course, these clients and millions of others are …

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On May Day, Working People Across Borders Are United to Build Power

Throughout North America and globally, May 1 is a day to remember and respect workers’ rights as human rights. As working people take to the streets in communities around the world, a quieter but equally important movement of workers on both sides of the United States–Mexico border has been growing. Whatever language we speak and …

On May Day, Working People Across Borders Are United to Build Power Read More »

Thanks to Obama, immigrants are getting better jobs

The vast majority of undocumented immigrants who have been given the temporary ability to legally work in the United States are currently employed or attending school—helping them make “significant contributions” to various labor markets—according to a national survey released Tuesday by immigrant advocacy groups. The survey took a look at 1,308 people who received legal …

Thanks to Obama, immigrants are getting better jobs Read More »

Supreme Court Should Approve Policies that Will Provide Much-needed Relief to Immigrant Working Families

We applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to take up the DAPA and expanded DACA case, which will have profound consequences for our immigrant brothers and sisters who live and work every day under a cloud of fear, as well as for the state of racial and economic justice in our country. We are confident the …

Supreme Court Should Approve Policies that Will Provide Much-needed Relief to Immigrant Working Families Read More »

Ship Builder Settles $5 Million Lawsuit After Forcing Indians To Work And Live in Awful Conditions

A ship building and repair company will pay $5 million to settle a U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) race and national origin discrimination lawsuit with 476 Indian guest workers who worked at the company’s facilities after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. While Indian workers lived in squalid containers “the size of a double-wide trailer,” non-Indian …

Ship Builder Settles $5 Million Lawsuit After Forcing Indians To Work And Live in Awful Conditions Read More »

We Rise: Building Immigrant Working People Power

A year ago the president announced a series of executive actions on immigration. Today is a fitting time to honor those who compelled him to act. Around the country, courageous working people demanded an end to the deportation regime that was tearing communities, families and workplaces apart. They shut down detention centers, turned around buses, and …

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Labor Board Deals Blow to Fired Immigrant Strikers in Wisconsin

WISCONSIN—The union campaign at Palermo’s Pizza in Milwaukee.—which offers a test case in integrating labor, immigrant and community-based organizing—was dealt a painful blow last week by the regional National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB told both sides it would not find the company’s mass firing of immigrant strikers to be illegal, would not protect other …

Labor Board Deals Blow to Fired Immigrant Strikers in Wisconsin Read More »

NLRB Chairman: New Penalties Needed for Union-Busting of Undocumented Workers

NEW YORK CITY—National Labor Relations Board Chairman Mark Pearce says his agency could pursue new remedies to punish employers who retaliate against undocumented immigrants for organizing. Last year Pearce interpreted a 2002 Supreme Court decision to rule out back pay as a remedy in such cases, limiting the NLRB’s options of financial penalties. Interviewed Friday by Working …

NLRB Chairman: New Penalties Needed for Union-Busting of Undocumented Workers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.