
The Trump Economy Myth and Job-Killing Policies

Making America Great Again; every time a U.S. company hires a hundred people, or even a dozen, President Trump’s support network blasts out the message that this is what he’s doing. Now they’re crowing that unemployment fell to 4.5 percent in March, even though many say this number underrepresents how many people are actually out of work. Only …

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This week in the war on workers: Self-driving cars will kill a lot of jobs. What then?

A lot of companies are working on self-driving cars, hoping they’ll reshape a range of industries. That could provide benefits on some fronts, including the environment and road safety, but a lot of people work as drivers, so self-driving cars could have a massive impact on the jobs landscape. The Center for Global Policy Solutions …

This week in the war on workers: Self-driving cars will kill a lot of jobs. What then? Read More »

We Must Create Good Jobs: Sherrod Brown Shows the Way Forward

February, the first full month of the Trump presidency, witnessed solid jobs growth of 235,000 with the headline unemployment rate little changed, at 4.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Services monthly report. Trump has already tweeted to claim credit for the results, but neither his plan nor his administration were in place. In …

We Must Create Good Jobs: Sherrod Brown Shows the Way Forward Read More »

Donald Trump is too busy showboating to do the hard work of creating jobs and rebuilding America

Donald Trump isn’t getting stuff done because Donald Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing—or even what he would need to do to get stuff done. Take infrastructure. Jonathan Cohn lays out the differences between how Barack Obama put together a major infrastructure package and got it passed despite Republicans refusing to work with him, while …

Donald Trump is too busy showboating to do the hard work of creating jobs and rebuilding America Read More »

Make American Jobs

President Donald Trump had Harley-Davidson executives and employees over to lunch at the White House last week and reiterated his promise to end wrong-headed trade policies that enable foreign countries to eat American workers’ lunch. Trump reassured the Harley workers from the United Steelworkers (USW) union and the International Association of Machinists (IAM) that he …

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Americans are now twice as likely to work in solar as in coal

In his first hour as president, Donald Trump promised to resurrect middle-class manufacturing jobs in the United States. It will be all but impossible for him to reverse the tides of globalization and automation, but the future may nonetheless be bright for the American worker, thanks to a trend that predates and will outlast the …

Americans are now twice as likely to work in solar as in coal Read More »

This week in the war on workers: Federal job levels are low but Trump wants to drive them lower

    Donald Trump says he’s all about jobs, but at the same time he wants a federal hiring freeze. Supposedly there are just too many federal workers and the government should save money by getting rid of them. Here’s the reality: There were an average of 2.8 million federal employees in 2016, representing only 1.9 percent …

This week in the war on workers: Federal job levels are low but Trump wants to drive them lower Read More »

Union workers, not Donald Trump, pushed Fiat Chrysler into creating 2,000 jobs

Great news: Fiat Chrysler has announced a $1 billion, 2,000-job investment in plants in Michigan and Ohio. Donald Trump didn’t quite claim credit in his predictable tweet about the news, but Reuters, for instance, reported the story with the headline “Fiat Chrysler ups the ante as automakers respond to Trump.” Except that’s not what happened at all. In 2015 contract …

Union workers, not Donald Trump, pushed Fiat Chrysler into creating 2,000 jobs Read More »

This week in the war on workers: SoftBank investment is not necessarily something to look forward to

  Donald Trump’s claim that, because of him, SoftBank would be investing $50 billion in the U.S. and creating 50,000 jobs was greeted somewhat less credulously than his Carrier claims. But it’s still worth an extra look at the details. It’s not just that SoftBank had already planned a major investment fund before the election: …

This week in the war on workers: SoftBank investment is not necessarily something to look forward to Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.