
Coal Communities Ask Trump To Honor His Promises

Coal miners, their communities and Faith groups are calling on President-presumed-Elect Donald Trump to honor his campaign promise to help coal workers. In an “Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump from coal miners,” hundreds of coal miners from Appalachia to Western coal lands asked for help for coal communities across the country. They want Trump …

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Indiana’s Carrier Factory Cuts Focused The “Trade” Election Issue

Sometimes an event comes along that crystallizes people’s awareness of an issue. It is just the right things at the right time. The layoffs at the Indianapolis Carrier air conditioner factory are an example of this kind of event. The layoffs have focused many people’s feelings about our disastrous “trade” agreements that enable, even encourage, …

Indiana’s Carrier Factory Cuts Focused The “Trade” Election Issue Read More »

Kansas Republicans Again Stab Workers, And Democracy, In The Back

Once again, that conservative maxim about the government that’s closest to the people serves the people best was thrown out the window by conservatives when it comes to protecting the interests of workers against the abuses of businesses. The latest example is Kansas, which just passed a law that said that local governments could not …

Kansas Republicans Again Stab Workers, And Democracy, In The Back Read More »

Wal-Mart Killed At Least 400,000 Jobs In A Dozen Years, While The Waltons Got Richer

If you want to know why a political revolution is necessary (and why the status quo’s most intellectually fraudulent campaign in recent Democratic primaries is such a threat to working people), you need only check out this new report from our friends at the Economic Policy Institute. Wal-Mart (that would be the board the status …

Wal-Mart Killed At Least 400,000 Jobs In A Dozen Years, While The Waltons Got Richer Read More »

Obama administration cracking down on bosses who use temp workers to dodge labor laws

Businesses don’t just use temp staffing agencies to add workers for short periods when they need extra hands. Staffing agencies can also serve the valuable (to crappy employers) purpose of dodging responsibility. “That person may work in our business on our terms, but the staffing agency is their employer, so we’re not responsible for violating labor …

Obama administration cracking down on bosses who use temp workers to dodge labor laws Read More »

Wal-Mart Killed At Least 400,000 Jobs In A Dozen Years, While The Waltons Got Richer

If you want to know why a political revolution is necessary (and why the status quo’s most intellectually fraudulent campaign in recent Democratic primaries is such a threat to working people), you need only check out this new report from our friends at the Economic Policy Institute. Wal-Mart (that would be the board the status …

Wal-Mart Killed At Least 400,000 Jobs In A Dozen Years, While The Waltons Got Richer Read More »

China Protects its Workers; America Doesn’t Bother

Confronted with a dire situation, a world power last week took strong action to secure its domestic jobs and manufacturing. That was China. Not the United States. China diminished the value of its currency.  This gave its exporting industries a boost while simultaneously blocking imports. The move protected the Asian giant’s manufacturers and its workers’ …

China Protects its Workers; America Doesn’t Bother Read More »

Grocery Chain’s Financial Meltdown Could Leave Thousands of Union Workers Jobless

Plans to dismember the A&P supermarket chain were revealed in a federal bankruptcy court in New York this week, with dire results predicted for more than 15,000 members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union. The historic grocery retailer—the original Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. was formed back in 1859—intends to sell …

Grocery Chain’s Financial Meltdown Could Leave Thousands of Union Workers Jobless Read More »

This week in the war on workers: New Balance presses the Pentagon to move on US-made sneakers

Buying American-made products is a good way to support jobs. If you’re looking for American-made shoes, New Balance is one of your major options. And the shoe company is pushing the U.S. military on that: Massachusetts-based shoe company New Balance says that the military is dragging its feet on a promise it made to outfit …

This week in the war on workers: New Balance presses the Pentagon to move on US-made sneakers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.