
Labor Department Unveils Regulatory Priorities for 2010

Today, the Department of Labor released its Fall 2009 Semi-Annual Regulatory Agenda (PDF). That may sound dull, but if you care about good jobs and safe workplaces, you should care about this, because it signals the Department’s regulatory priorities for the year to come. And now that we have a Labor Department with leaders who …

Labor Department Unveils Regulatory Priorities for 2010 Read More »

NBC Labor Dispute Threatens Rockefeller Center Christmas Special

A labor dispute is threatening NBC’s “Christmas in Rockefeller Center” telecast. The National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET-CWA) Local 11, which represents nearly 3,000 of NBC’s producers, writers, and technicians, vowed Tuesday to “pull the plug” on Wednesday’s Christmas special -— which includes the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree — over …

NBC Labor Dispute Threatens Rockefeller Center Christmas Special Read More »

Boston’s Hyatt Hotels: Not Much Hospitality Toward Their Own Workers

An ongoing labor story here in Boston underscores why jobs and employment must remain one of our highest political, economic, and policy priorities. It involves three Hyatt hotels whose management abruptly terminated some 100 housekeeping workers after having them train replacement workers from a Georgia-based contracting company. The workers claim they were deceived into thinking …

Boston’s Hyatt Hotels: Not Much Hospitality Toward Their Own Workers Read More »

Real ‘Norma Rae’ Dies of Cancer After Insurer Delayed Treatment

The North Carolina union organizer who was the inspiration for the movie “Norma Rae” died on Friday of brain cancer after a battle with her insurance company, which delayed her treatment. She was 68. Crystal Lee Sutton, formerly Crystal Lee Jordan, was fired from her job folding towels at the J.P. Stevens textile plant in …

Real ‘Norma Rae’ Dies of Cancer After Insurer Delayed Treatment Read More »

When the Right Goes After Unions, the Unions Had Better Get Going

The Hudson Institute, which, as prior unbossed stories have shown, has historically been a shill for the tobacco industry, Monsanto products, and more, is now making a huge push to go after unions . . . Unions and their allies should take this attack seriously. A recent Hudson Institute “study” on pensions, claims (among other …

When the Right Goes After Unions, the Unions Had Better Get Going Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.