
Michigan steel mill closure announced two days after Trump told Michigan crowd ‘steel is back’

Donald Trump, Wednesday in Michigan: “Look what I’ve done for steel. I mean, the steel is back. We taxed all the dumb steel coming in from China and other places, and US steel mills are doing great — they’re expanding all over the country, and they were gonna be out of business within two years the way …

Michigan steel mill closure announced two days after Trump told Michigan crowd ‘steel is back’ Read More »

DNC expresses hope that labor dispute will be defused ahead of this week’s debate

The Democratic National Committee said Monday that it expects parties involved in a labor dispute threatening to upend this week’s Democratic primary debate to “promptly” return to the negotiating table. Xochitl Hinojosa, the committee’s communications director, cited Chairman Tom Perez’s experience as Labor secretary under former President Barack Obama, writing that he’d handled “several labor disputes” in …

DNC expresses hope that labor dispute will be defused ahead of this week’s debate Read More »

Trump appointees hand McDonald’s a win in labor case, this week in the war on workers

Donald Trump’s conflict-of-interest-plagued National Labor Relations Board handed McDonald’s a big win in the fight over whether the company shares responsibility for workers and working conditions in most of its restaurants. The board allowed a $170,000 settlement between McDonald’s franchisees and workers, overruling an administrative law judge who had said the settlement was inadequate. The lone Democrat on …

Trump appointees hand McDonald’s a win in labor case, this week in the war on workers Read More »

Trump Is Waging a War On Labor Unions, But You Wouldn’t Know It from CNN’s Dem Debate

Last night, CNN and the New York Times co-hosted a Democratic debate in Westerville, Ohio—and even by the standards of the mainstream media, the omissions were glaring. There were no questions about police violence, affordable housing, Israel, or the climate crisis. However, there was a softball question about friendship inspired by the bond between Ellen …

Trump Is Waging a War On Labor Unions, But You Wouldn’t Know It from CNN’s Dem Debate Read More »

How Bernie Sanders would give power to workers in their companies

Bernie Sanders unveiled a multi-pronged plan Monday aimed at giving more power to workers in their companies, ending corporate greed, breaking up monopolies and increasing taxes on big businesses. “For more than 40 years, the largest and most profitable corporations in America have rigged the tax code and our economy to redistribute wealth and income …

How Bernie Sanders would give power to workers in their companies Read More »

Brazilian and U.S. Workers Confronting Common Threat Build Solidarity in the Global Labor Movement

This week, the AFL-CIO joins much of the global labor movement in Brazil to participate in the 13th Congress of Brazil’s largest labor organization, the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT). Fred Redmond, AFL-CIO vice president and United Steelworkers vice president for human affairs, is leading the AFL-CIO delegation. Addressing the entire congress, Redmond pointed out …

Brazilian and U.S. Workers Confronting Common Threat Build Solidarity in the Global Labor Movement Read More »

The Powerful New Idea in Elizabeth Warren’s Labor Platform

On Thursday, Elizabeth Warren released her long-awaited labor platform, titled “Empowering American Workers and Raising Wages.” The plan provides unions with a long wish list of badly needed reforms and new powers. It also makes a solid case that, like Bernie Sanders, she would be the labor movement’s biggest booster in the White House in …

The Powerful New Idea in Elizabeth Warren’s Labor Platform Read More »

Trump’s New Labor Pick Eugene Scalia Will Be a Catastrophe For Workers Rights

Working women and men need and deserve a Secretary of Labor—somebody who will look out for their interests, protect them from unscrupulous employers, set strong health and safety standards, and safeguard their retirement security. Unfortunately, corporate lawyer Eugene Scalia, the man named by President Trump to be the next Secretary of Labor, is not that …

Trump’s New Labor Pick Eugene Scalia Will Be a Catastrophe For Workers Rights Read More »

Trump labor board’s drive to hurt temp and fast food workers hits another conflict-of-interest snag

Donald Trump’s National Labor Relations Board and its counsel have made it their mission to roll back every advance for workers from the Obama years. The joint-employer rule—which makes companies responsible, under certain circumstances, for workers employed through franchises and staffing agencies—is a major piece of that. In the rush to roll back the joint-employer rule, ProPublica’s Ian …

Trump labor board’s drive to hurt temp and fast food workers hits another conflict-of-interest snag Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.