
Big corporations suck the marrow out of the COVID-19 economy, leaving devastation behind them

What’s the use of a crisis if big corporations and wealthy people can’t use it to make more money, preferably at the expense of those with less than them? I ask you!  Well, by that standard, the coronavirus pandemic has worked out quite well. A large majority of the biggest publicly traded companies were profitable …

Big corporations suck the marrow out of the COVID-19 economy, leaving devastation behind them Read More »

Philadelphia City Council votes to protect laid-off hospitality workers. More cities need to follow

The coronavirus pandemic has devastated the hospitality industry, with the fallout still growing. This week the Philadelphia City Council took steps to protect workers when the economic recovery begins, unanimously passing legislation to give laid-off hospitality workers the right to be rehired when jobs start coming back.  The bill could eventually help 12,000 Philadelphia hotel housekeepers, stadium …

Philadelphia City Council votes to protect laid-off hospitality workers. More cities need to follow Read More »

The next blow for businesses: Tax hikes that threaten more layoffs

Businesses across the nation could soon face state tax increases to pay for the surge in Americans filing for unemployment benefits this year, further straining employers at a time when many are fighting for survival. Massachusetts, New Jersey and Alabama are among the states looking at tax hikes that could cost employers billions of dollars. …

The next blow for businesses: Tax hikes that threaten more layoffs Read More »

U.S. workers filed 881K claims for jobless benefits last week

More than 880,000 people filed new applications for unemployment benefits last week, the Labor Department reported on Thursday. The numbers are not directly comparable to previous weeks because of a change the Labor Department made in how it calculates the claims, which are seasonally adjusted. The number appears lower than the previous week’s 1 million claims, …

U.S. workers filed 881K claims for jobless benefits last week Read More »

Coronavirus has upended many lives, but immigrant journalists on visas face a grim reality

For Trey Taylor, moving to New York City was nothing short of a dream come true. The Canadian citizen had worked tirelessly for about two years to secure a work visa that allowed him to work freely within the country. But when the coronavirus pandemic hit, the young journalist was unceremoniously terminated from his position …

Coronavirus has upended many lives, but immigrant journalists on visas face a grim reality Read More »

The H-1B Termination “Stinger” in the Era of COVID-19: What Employers Need to Know

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its global economic repercussions have forced many employers to make difficult choices regarding their workforces.  Businesses that employ workers who are not U.S. citizens must reckon with additional complications, as their decisions will affect both the employees’ livelihoods and their ability to remain in the United States. Given these challenges, …

The H-1B Termination “Stinger” in the Era of COVID-19: What Employers Need to Know Read More »

Field Museum Workers Say It’s Time for the CEO to Start Making Sacrifices, Too

Facing devasting pay cuts and layoffs amid the Covid-19 crisis, workers at Chicago’s Field Museum are organizing to demand greater transparency and equitable sacrifice from upper management. “We fear these cuts will disproportionately impact staff of color and those already paid the least,” Field Museum workers explain in a petition that has now garnered over 1,700 signatures. …

Field Museum Workers Say It’s Time for the CEO to Start Making Sacrifices, Too Read More »

America’s economic pain arrives on K Street

Layoffs are happening, and a survey of trade groups shows revenue is down sharply at many of them. Restaurants, hotels and tourism businesses are getting socked. Now their Washington lobbyists are, too. K Street is in cutback mode: The International Franchise Association, the U.S. Travel Association and the National Rifle Association have all laid off staffers …

America’s economic pain arrives on K Street Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.