
11 Scrooge Approved Employee Motivation Ideas You Should Never Use

What is the #1 way to increase motivation in the workplace? Well, we have our pet motivational theories and ideas, but we wanted to explore some of the horrible, terrible, Scrooge-approved ideas that are still floating around in the year 2012. But back to the bad ideas. We gathered some stories from around the internet …

11 Scrooge Approved Employee Motivation Ideas You Should Never Use Read More »

Fired in real time: Never meet with your boss at 4 pm on Friday

My boss, and his henchman, arrived promptly for the meeting to discuss my sales update. It was 4 pm on Friday afternoon, approximately 48 hours ago.  I knew something was up because my boss started speaking totally in sentence fragments. “I’ve made up my mind, things aren’t working out, I need people to get along, …

Fired in real time: Never meet with your boss at 4 pm on Friday Read More »

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent

As Newswise reports, based on employee engagement research by Florida State University business school professor Wayne Hochwarter, recession-based uncertainty has encouraged many business leaders to pursue self-serving behaviors at the expense of those that are considered mutually beneficial or supportive of organizational goals. This plays out in behaviors that Hochwarter’s team classified using the biblical …

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent Read More »

Leadership Quiz

Ready for that corner office and a reserved parking spot? Tired of waiting for your boss to die? As a service to you, my readers, I’m going to give you a much easier path to a fancier office, bigger paycheck and higher quality headaches. Take the following quiz and you’ll immediately know if you’ve got …

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.