
We Cannot Build a Strong, Equitable Economy on Low-Paying Jobs

What started out last fall as a one-day walkout at fast-food restaurants to protest poverty-level wages and stand up for basic human dignity has transformed into a movement that has captured the public interest. I’ve been privileged, especially in recent weeks, to talk to institutional partners, policymakers and media about why low-wage workers across the …

We Cannot Build a Strong, Equitable Economy on Low-Paying Jobs Read More »

Can McDonalds Make A Profit While Paying $15 An Hour?

While the average McDonalds employee in the United States makes just above the $7.25 minimum wage, that story is different in other countries. As Jordan Weissmann reports at The Atlantic, the minimum wage for full-time adult workers in Australia is $14.50 and McDonalds employees just negotiated a 15 percent raise by 2016. Yet the company has about 900 locations in the …

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In Streets of Chicago, Fast Food Workers Celebrate Small Victories

Chicago workers continued the roving fast food and retail strike Thursday, joining strikers and picketers around the nation calling for increased wages and better working conditions for the thousands of low-wage workers who staff some of the nation’s largest companies but are not paid even enough to scrape by. A crowd of workers and supporters sporting employee …

In Streets of Chicago, Fast Food Workers Celebrate Small Victories Read More »

You Won’t Believe How Walmart Responded to This College Student. Actually, You Will

Walmart, the country’s largest private employer and huge wielder of political influence, is taking on their greatest challenge yet: A college junior writing an op-ed in her student newspaper. Georgetown University student Erin Riordan wrote a piece for The Hoya, the school’s student-run newspaper, in support of the Large Retailer Accountability Act (LRAA), which would raise the minimum wage …

You Won’t Believe How Walmart Responded to This College Student. Actually, You Will Read More »

Oh Great, More CEOs Telling Us We Need to Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits

As if we didn’t already have enough on our plates (having to fend off attacks from the “Fix the Debt” CEOs), now there’s another group of CEOs, the Business Roundtable, telling us we need to “modernize,” a.k.a. cut, Social Security and Medicare benefits by raising the eligibility ages and reducing cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). How helpful.  R.J. Eskow took …

Oh Great, More CEOs Telling Us We Need to Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits Read More »

11 Scrooge Approved Employee Motivation Ideas You Should Never Use

What is the #1 way to increase motivation in the workplace? Well, we have our pet motivational theories and ideas, but we wanted to explore some of the horrible, terrible, Scrooge-approved ideas that are still floating around in the year 2012. But back to the bad ideas. We gathered some stories from around the internet …

11 Scrooge Approved Employee Motivation Ideas You Should Never Use Read More »

McDonald’s Urges Franchises to Open on Christmas Day … Without Overtime Pay

In November McDonald’s saw a 2.5 percent increase in November sales. This is after the fast food giant saw a decrease in sales of 2.2 percent in October. So why was there increase in sales? Was the pork-like substitute McRib back? Was there a shortage of Ore-Ida french fries in your local grocer’s freezer causing …

McDonald’s Urges Franchises to Open on Christmas Day … Without Overtime Pay Read More »

What You Need To Know About The Michigan GOP’s ‘Right-To-Work’ Assault On Workers

On Thursday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) backtrackedon his commitment to avoid so-called “right-to-work” legislation and by the end of the day, both the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan state Senate had introduced and passed separate bills aimed at the state’s union workforce. Michigan Republicans claim the state needs the measure to stay …

What You Need To Know About The Michigan GOP’s ‘Right-To-Work’ Assault On Workers Read More »

Typo stands between Albuquerque workers and a minimum wage increase

Let the uncertain fate of a proposal to raise Albuquerque, New Mexico’s minimum wage be a lesson to you: Proofreading matters. Groups pushing to raise the minimum wage from $7.50 to $8.50, with tipped workers receiving 45 percent of that, collected 25,000 signatures, more than 12,000 of which were certified by the city clerk. But …

Typo stands between Albuquerque workers and a minimum wage increase Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.