Trump Is Making It Harder for Low-Wage Workers to Organize, But This Fast Food Union Could Win

Workers at a Burgerville in Portland, Oregon declared on March 26 that they will file for a federal union election. If union campaigners win, the restaurant will become the first federally recognized fast food union shop in the United States. The local effort, which has a significant chance of victory, offers a powerful antidote to …

Trump Is Making It Harder for Low-Wage Workers to Organize, But This Fast Food Union Could Win Read More »

Caution: Your Right to a Timely Vote May Be at Risk

Three years ago, the National Labor Relations Board took modest steps to streamline, modernize and improve the process by which workers petition for an election to vote on forming a union at work. The rules reduced unnecessary delay caused by management lawyers litigating issues in order to slow down elections and deprive workers of their right to …

Caution: Your Right to a Timely Vote May Be at Risk Read More »

Trump appointee’s conflict of interest forces labor board to toss anti-worker ruling

A Trump appointee’s conflict of interest has bitten the Trump administration’s anti-worker agenda in the ass. The National Labor Relations Board has vacated its Hy-Branddecision after the agency’s inspector general said that board member William Emanuel should not have voted due to his conflict of interest. Hy-Brand reversed an Obama-era decision which expanded rights for workers directly employed by staffing agencies or franchise …

Trump appointee’s conflict of interest forces labor board to toss anti-worker ruling Read More »

Inside the Trump Administration’s Plan to Shrink the NLRB

Labor rights advocates are alarmed by a proposal to centralize more control of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) at the agency’s Washington, D.C., headquarters and shrink its network of regional offices. Widely viewed as another effort by appointees of President Donald Trump to reverse some union-friendly policies promoted by Obama appointees, the proposal is …

Inside the Trump Administration’s Plan to Shrink the NLRB Read More »

Trump NLRB Appointee Behind Major Anti-Union Ruling Accused of Corruption

An anti-union policy decision from President Donald Trump’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) appointees appears to be tainted by a violation of ethics standards, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is joining unions in demanding answers. The Trump policy decision came on December 14 when the NLRB reversed an Obama-era ruling in the Browning-Ferris case—a pro-worker decision from 2015 that has been …

Trump NLRB Appointee Behind Major Anti-Union Ruling Accused of Corruption Read More »

Workers’ rights dealt major blow as GOP-led labor board sides with McDonald’s

In September, the National Labor Relations Board tilted to a 3-2 GOP majority for the first time in ten years. Thus began a series of Obama-era policy reversals that previously strengthened worker protections. By December, the NLRB overturned the Obama-era “Browning-Ferris” rule. The landmark rule had made it easier for employees to hold companies liable for labor violations committed …

Workers’ rights dealt major blow as GOP-led labor board sides with McDonald’s Read More »

The Trump Labor Board Just Made It Harder for Fast-Food Workers to Hold Corporate Bosses Accountable

On December 14, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) overturned a 2015 policy that had made it easier for workers—particularly fast-food workers—to unionize and challenge their employers over unfair labor practices. The Obama-era standard sprung from a 2013 case involving workers attempting to unionize at a recycling plant in Milpitas, Calif. The recycling company, Browning-Ferris …

The Trump Labor Board Just Made It Harder for Fast-Food Workers to Hold Corporate Bosses Accountable Read More »

This Lawyer Helped Reagan Bust the Air Traffic Controllers Union. Now Trump Wants Him on the NLRB.

Former President Ronald Reagan had a long history of clashing with organized labor, but his most infamous moment came in 1981, when he busted the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) and fired more than 11,300 air traffic controllers who were on strike. This act weakened the power of U.S. unions and set the stage for an …

This Lawyer Helped Reagan Bust the Air Traffic Controllers Union. Now Trump Wants Him on the NLRB. Read More »

Trump is about to make America much crueler to unionized workers

Since Election Day, unions have lived on borrowed time. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which has exclusive authority over many key questions of labor law, is still controlled by Democrats?—?thus shielding workers and their unions from attacks that became far likelier the moment Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 election. But …

Trump is about to make America much crueler to unionized workers Read More »

As Media Focuses on Russia Collusion, Trump Is Quietly Stacking the Labor Board with Union Busters

It might not get as much press coverage as other Donald Trump administration calamities, but the U.S. president is set to appoint a known union buster to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), push the body to a Republican majority and reverse Obama-era protections that rankle Big Business. On July 13, the Senate Health, Education, …

As Media Focuses on Russia Collusion, Trump Is Quietly Stacking the Labor Board with Union Busters Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.