OSHA is doing virtually nothing to protect workers in the pandemic

Two reports out this week show how badly the Trump administration is failing workers during the coronavirus pandemic. The AFL-CIO’s annual Death on the Job report looks at 9,051 complaints workers have sent the Occupational Safety and Health Administration expressing concern about safety on the job during the pandemic. OSHA has investigated just 198 of them, and 85 of …

OSHA is doing virtually nothing to protect workers in the pandemic Read More »

Report: OSHA Investigated, Resolved Only 2% of COVID Retaliation Complaints

Washington, DC—Brand-new analysis by Deborah Berkowitz and Shayla Thompson of the National Employment Law Project (NELP) shows that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has failed to protect COVID safety whistleblowers who filed retaliation complaints. NELP analyzed OSHA’s public data showing 1,744 COVID-19-related retaliation complaints filed by workers from April through August 9, and found: …

Report: OSHA Investigated, Resolved Only 2% of COVID Retaliation Complaints Read More »

This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures

This arti­cle is part of a series on Ama­zon work­ers pro­duced in part­ner­ship with the Eco­nom­ic Hard­ship Report­ing Project. Courte­nay Brown spends her day mak­ing gro­cery runs for oth­ers in a foot­ball-field-sized maze of nar­row aisles and refrig­er­at­ed enclaves. At the Ama­zon Fresh unit in a Newark, New Jer­sey ful­fill­ment cen­ter, she works on the out­bound ship dock, help­ing …

This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures Read More »

OSHA Is Failing Essential Workers. Why Not Let Them Sue Their Bosses?

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States early this year, frontline workers in sectors deemed “essential” have staged hundreds of strikes, sickouts and other job actions to protest unsafe working conditions. At hospitals, warehouses, meat processing plants, fast-food restaurants, transport and delivery services, and retail and grocery stores, workers have demanded their employers do …

OSHA Is Failing Essential Workers. Why Not Let Them Sue Their Bosses? Read More »

OSHA Complaints Show the Morbid Dangers Healthcare Workers Face During Covid

During the darkest days of the Covid-19 pandemic, with thousands dying every day, America relied on a select few essential workers to keep society running, like postal workers, grocery workers and meat packers—all industries that have seen, together, hundreds of Covid-related deaths among workers. Chief among them are nurses, on the front lines of the pandemic, who have …

OSHA Complaints Show the Morbid Dangers Healthcare Workers Face During Covid Read More »

Protecting America’s Workers Act Introduced. Would Strengthen OSHA and Workers’ Rights

A new and improved Protecting America’s Workers Act (PAWA) has been introduced into the House of Representatives by Congressman Joe Courtney (D-CT). Similar versions of this bill has been introduced every year for over a decade.  The bill number is H.R.1074 and a copy of it can soon be found here. (In the meantime, here is …

Protecting America’s Workers Act Introduced. Would Strengthen OSHA and Workers’ Rights Read More »

OSHA Announces Rollback of Recordkeeping Requirements

In its first completed rollback of a previously issued regulation in the Trump administration*, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration today announced its final recordkeeping regulation that eliminates the requirement that certain employers send in to OSHA detailed information about injuries and illnesses that employers already collect.  The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs announced …

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The Other Victims of California’s Fires: Workers Inhaling Toxic Fumes

With the death toll now standing at 42 and with some 7,200 structures destroyed, officials are now calling the wildfire in Paradise, CA (dubbed the “Camp Fire”) the deadliest and most destructive in California’s recent history. Two other massive fires—dubbed the Hill Fire and Woolsey Fire are simultaneously scorching Southern California. As frontline firefighters—including many prison laborers—continue to …

The Other Victims of California’s Fires: Workers Inhaling Toxic Fumes Read More »

Hiding Injuries at Tesla: Where The Worker Still Doesn’t Matter.

Under-recording of workplace injuries and illnesses is bad, and far too common. But at the automaker Tesla, in Fremont, California,  under-recording is more than a paper exercise in deception — at Tesla it means withholding needed medical treatment of injured workers so that their injuries aren’t report on OSHA logs. We wrote previously about reports that workers …

Hiding Injuries at Tesla: Where The Worker Still Doesn’t Matter. Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.