paid leave

It’s Time For Mandated Maternity and Paternity Leave

Ask any parent and they’ll tell you that having a child changes everything. It shifts your priorities. It changes the way you look at life, the world, and your place in it.  Unfortunately, though, not all employers are willing to accommodate the many profound transformations that occur when an employee becomes a parent — and …

It’s Time For Mandated Maternity and Paternity Leave Read More »

Here’s What’s in the New Bill Jointly Backed by Uber and the Teamsters in Washington State

Uber’s lobbyists, after clinching an agreement with UFCW Canada to launch a charm offensive at the Ontario provincial government for employee-like benefits on behalf of an estimated 100,00 drivers, weren’t done hobnobbing with unions. Next up, the Teamsters in Washington state are working on a deal with Uber and Lyft. The legislation would give ride-hail workers new …

Here’s What’s in the New Bill Jointly Backed by Uber and the Teamsters in Washington State Read More »

‘Can we find a deal?’: Coronavirus sparks debate over paid leave

Democrats, Republicans and corporate America are coalescing behind a federal paid leave policy for the first time in the U.S., one of few rich nations where workers aren’t automatically provided the benefit. But as they hammer out the details, fracture lines are already emerging that could derail the decades-long effort once again. President Joe Biden’s …

‘Can we find a deal?’: Coronavirus sparks debate over paid leave Read More »

Democrats say DOL keeping workers in the dark about paid leave

“They’re not stupid,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) said. “They know how to get the word out. They just don’t want to.” An Indiana truck driver denied paid leave while experiencing coronavirus symptoms. An Arizona HVAC employee paid for just two of 13 days spent in self-quarantine. A California USPS worker rejected for paid leave when caring for her child whose school …

Democrats say DOL keeping workers in the dark about paid leave Read More »

Amazon’s Unlimited Unpaid Time Off Ends May 1, and Workers Say That Could Be Deadly

Amazon warehouse workers across the country today decried the company’s decision to end a policy of unlimited unpaid time off, and said that working conditions inside Amazon fulfillment centers are putting their lives at risk. Employees from New Jersey, Minnesota, Michigan and New York, working with Athena Coalition, said on a call today that a policy …

Amazon’s Unlimited Unpaid Time Off Ends May 1, and Workers Say That Could Be Deadly Read More »

Know Your Rights to Paid Leave and Unemployment During the COVID-19 Crisis

On March 18 Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), in part to discourage layoffs and in part to guarantee paid leave to workers who need to stay home due to the COVID-19 emergency. On March 27 Congress enacted the CARES Act to expand unemployment insurance eligibility and benefits. Both laws expire on December …

Know Your Rights to Paid Leave and Unemployment During the COVID-19 Crisis Read More »

Amazon Says It’s Giving Part-Time Workers PTO—But There May Be a Catch

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Amazon has rolled out a new policy that extends paid time off to thousands of part-time operations employees. The change follows a months-long campaign by workers in Amazon’s last-mile delivery stations to demand PTO, touted in the company’s public communications as an “essential” benefit offered to all its workers. After …

Amazon Says It’s Giving Part-Time Workers PTO—But There May Be a Catch Read More »

Corona and Class Warfare Part II: Stopping a Multi-Dollar CEO Pension Tax Break

Last week I asked everyone to consider the coronavirus pandemic as a pretty clarifying picture of class warfare—who are the people who get hurt most when millions of jobs go away or at best are in limbo because of a nationwide shutdown? It’s working people, minimum wage workers, service workers—almost none of whom have enough …

Corona and Class Warfare Part II: Stopping a Multi-Dollar CEO Pension Tax Break Read More »

The Narrow, Ineffective and Wholly Inadequate U.S. Debate about Paid Sick Leave

In the rush — or at least the pretense of rush — to bring immediate economic relief to the millions of average workers gutted by the tanking global economy brought on by the coronavirus, Democratic Party elites and centrist papers of record Washington Post and New York Times are cementing the terms of the debate to a narrow, ineffective, and …

The Narrow, Ineffective and Wholly Inadequate U.S. Debate about Paid Sick Leave Read More »

Unions Across America Are Screaming For Paid Sick Leave and Healthcare

As coronavirus spreads, sowing panic and economic dislocation, unions across the country are using the crisis as an opportunity to call for priorities that were dismissed as left-wing fantasies not long ago—and now seem like common sense.  Virtually every union with members in a position to be exposed to the illness itself or to its …

Unions Across America Are Screaming For Paid Sick Leave and Healthcare Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.