paid sick leave

American Workers See Progress On Paid Sick Leave, No Thanks To Congress

Paid sick leave is high on the list of policies that are popular with the public but won’t become federal law as long as Republicans control Congress. But, like the minimum wage, cities and states and employers and the president can expand paid leave to many workers, and in 2015, some did. That’s good news for workers who won’t …

American Workers See Progress On Paid Sick Leave, No Thanks To Congress Read More »

Demand Paid Sick Leave for All Employees to Ensure a Healthier and More Productive Workplace

It’s a familiar situation: being sick and at work—or having a sick family member who requires care. While most of us would prefer to stay home and get well or provide care, for the majority of American workers taking a sick day means taking a pay-cut. Not only is the idea of losing pay unappealing, but many American …

Demand Paid Sick Leave for All Employees to Ensure a Healthier and More Productive Workplace Read More »

Carly Fiorina Thinks Corporations Should Be Able To Deny Paid Leave To New Mothers

  After Jake Tapper, host of CNN’s State of the Union, asked Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina about Netflix’s announcement that it will offer a year of unlimited paid family leave, the former Hewlett Packard CEO said she opposes any requirement that employers offer their workers paid leave. “I don’t think it’s the role of …

Carly Fiorina Thinks Corporations Should Be Able To Deny Paid Leave To New Mothers Read More »

Want healthy workers who don’t steal? Give them paid sick leave and pay them well.

If you needed evidence that it’s better when businesses treat their employees better, here are two pieces: One new study finds that people who have paid sick leave are less likely to be injured on the job and another study finds that convenience store workers steal less when they’re paid better. In the first study, …

Want healthy workers who don’t steal? Give them paid sick leave and pay them well. Read More »

Paid-Sick-Leave Fight Escalates in New York City, Expands Across the Nation

NEW YORK CITY—Flanked by a hundred-some supporters at a press conference on Wednesday, labor leaders and feminist activists announced a new initiative to push a longtime goal: passage of a citywide paid-sick-leave mandate. Wednesday’s event, held at noon on the steps of City Hall, marked supporters’ latest effort to move City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, …

Paid-Sick-Leave Fight Escalates in New York City, Expands Across the Nation Read More »

Support Grows for Striking Verizon Workers’ Fight for Middle-Class Jobs

The huge crowd outside the Verizon Center in downtown Washington, D.C., Saturday wasn’t there for a basketball game or concert. They came to tell Verizon to stop its attack on middle-class jobs. The Verizon Center demonstration and dozens and dozens of other actions at Verizon worksites and Verizon Wireless stores are part of the growing …

Support Grows for Striking Verizon Workers’ Fight for Middle-Class Jobs Read More »

Paid Sick Days – an Important Job Saving Strategy in a Weak Economy

The latest government report on job openings and labor turnover – the JOLTS report – makes an important point. Recent improvements in the labor market – employment gains and the falling unemployment rate – owe little to an increase in hiring by employers. Instead, they result mainly from a decline in involuntary separations – layoffs …

Paid Sick Days – an Important Job Saving Strategy in a Weak Economy Read More »

A Race Between Philly and NYC on Paid Sick Leave?

As New York continues to waver on enacting overwhelmingly popular legislation that would guarantee working people the right to earn paid sick time, other cities are catching up fast. Consider Philadelphia, where I had the opportunity to attend an event on earned paid sick leave yesterday. Spurred by advocates from PathWays PA, Women’s Way and …

A Race Between Philly and NYC on Paid Sick Leave? Read More »

National Influenza Vaccination Week Calls for Paid Sick Days

Statement of Linda Meric Executive Director – 9to5, National Association of Working Women Denver, CO, January 10, 2010 — The Department of Health and Human Services has declared this week “National Influenza Vaccination Week” in the United States to encourage more widespread flu vaccination and call attention to the possibility of a third mass outbreak …

National Influenza Vaccination Week Calls for Paid Sick Days Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.